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Monday, 11 July 2011

Tour de Fleece Day 10 - Day of Rest.

Well I think he looked very smart for his first day of 'Work Experience'.  (Which probably explains how scruffy he usually looks!)  This is Henry.  We were both a bit nervous this morning.  He was more than reluctant to have his photograph taken.  He is working in a primary school for the week and he understands kids can have crawlers so has his hair in a pony tail.  He was complemented on how smartly he presented himself.  He doesn't enjoy school and I would really like him to do well on work experience.  He is a kind, considerate fella.  He really enjoyed himself and said the children liked him, so he is looking forward to tomorrow.  Phew.  I was a worried Mom all day!  He has a collection of pink ties he wants to show off this week.
    It was a lovely sunny morning and I didn't want to go to work! 
I took another lovely rice salad for lunch, it helps if I have that to look forward to!  It was rice with smoked salmon, peppers and homegrown peas and beans, squibbed with fresh lemon juice.  Two weeks to go and I break up for six weeks.  Very exciting.
It is a 'Tour de Fleece Day of Rest'.  I need to finish my bag for my Jolly Holidays!


  1. Your son is so handsome! He looks great in his suit! I showed hubby your rice salad and we'd like to try making something like that.

    You're going to love having your bag done. I so enjoy seeing mine filled with lovely yarns, right now it has my alpaca for my flower shawl project.

    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  2. Yay! So glad things went well for Henry! He does indeed look quite smart :) I hope he continues to enjoy his time at the primary school. I also hope you're enjoying your day of rest! I'm sure it was greatly needed. Your bag seems to be coming along quite well. Lovely colors!

  3. Oh!!! Lucy that took me back so many years to when my son nervously had his work experience week. It is so hard just wishing things to go well for them--- I still do it now and he is nearly 32!
    Love your pictures
    Kindest Regards Linda

  4. He looks smashing, I'm sure the kids will rate him too with his pony tail and pink ties.
    Your bag is looking good. I've swapped crochet for patchwork at the moment.
    Carol xx

  5. I'm so pleased he's enjoying work experience. Men in Primary education do really well. We all need a break so good for you:-) Jude x

  6. He does look very smart. My nephew (who is coming from Scotland to stay with me for a week in 2 weeks time and I have to admit I can't blooming wait) has just finished his first year of Uni doing Primary teaching. So glad boys want to do this, my kids have always responded so well to male teacher.
    Good on him I say!
    Bag is looking groovy by the way!!!

  7. Well done to Henry, he looks super smart too. Lovin' the funky bag too:-)

  8. What a very smart young man Henry is, he looks very proud and quite the part for a school :)

    Everything looks beautiful Lucy especially that crochet bag

    Helen xx

  9. Your son look very handsome in his suit! I'm sure he'll do well on his work experience.
    Your bag look amazing - I love the colours you have chosen, and can't wait to see it finished :)

  10. That's a handsome, young man in that suit. I hope he has a good week ahead. :)

  11. Lucy, Henry looks great, tell him! I love the pink ties-idea and hope his week goes smoothly. Love your garden. I know this not wanting to leave for work feeling when it is so beautiful outside. The bag’s gonna be great, perfect for sunny holidays.


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