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Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Schools Out!

I have broken up today for my Summer Holidays, no school for six weeks.  I have mixed feelings, I am glad to be work free but I will miss the children that have moved on.  I am one of those people that hate goodbyes!  We had a great morning going to an Outdoor Education Centre and learning 'Bush Craft' skills.  We made shelters, including carving our own tent pegs.  The kids also built and started their own fires with 'Fire Sticks'.  Then they made bread dough and twizzled it around a stick to cook in the camp fire.  I got delegated the job of making three mugs of tea and three hot chocolates with a pint of water, no milk and no spoon!  I am good but I aint that good!  Black tea was revolting.  We ended the morning toasting marshmallows and burning our tongues!  Delicious.  It really was great fun but the downside is I have a few unpleasant insect bites from the bugs in the woods.  Two of which are on my right hand and are nicely swollen, they are very itchy and aching.  I am also no martyr to pain or discomfort.  I have managed to spin some more Yak hair today, I really love it.  Tomorrow I should find time to learn how to Navajo Ply, I chickened out at the weekend and taught myself Andean ply instead.  That was not easy and caused me to use a few unmentionable words, when my camel ended up in a spaghetti heap on the floor!  Navajo plying looks even trickier to me.  I have enjoyed reading your comments about my spinning escapades, thank you very much for stopping by, making me laugh and offering your support and compliments.  Blogland is such a lovely place.  Wishing everyone a happy Summer if you can find it where you are!  


  1. I am a retired teacher and loved my time with the " littlies" Enjoy your summer x

  2. I react really badly to bites so now I spray every day with Avon Skin so Soft (original) dry oil spray, brilliant for keeping the nasties away. If I do happen to get bitten then I find a 'Zappit' works really well for stopping itching, heat, swelling etc.
    Hope you have a good summer too.
    Carol xx

  3. Hopefully now that school is out things will slow down a bit for you. The end of a school year is always bittersweet. Other than your continued spinning and learning Navajo Ply, do you have any plans for your holiday? I'm sure your boys already have their own plans ;) I remember keeping my mother quite busy during what is deceptively referred to as summer vacation!

  4. You will have to explain Navajo and Andean plying, I've never heard of such a thing! You're getting so darn skilled! The Yak yarn was so finely and evenly spun, bravo, my dear!!
    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  5. I had no idea there were different plys that could be spun! Are you making your spinning trickier so that you can empathise with the tricky mountain stages of the the Tour de France? Your day out sounds like great fun, it's a shame about the insect bites though :(

  6. My kids LOVE "Forest School" It really helps youngest especially who finds formal learning challenging with his dyslexia. Sounds like you got the rough end of it though. Hope you have some Tea-Tree oil that'll help the bit go down quicker.
    I hope you find some summer to enjoy and I hope to meet you in person soon!

  7. Thank you for the Summer wishes and for the bug bite advice, I will have to visit Avon online as I have heard that the range Carol mentioned is very good as a bug repellent. I have taken anti allergy tablets but my hand is still very hot, itchy and swollen. Darn bugs! Tickety Boo we will meet in person soon, I will have a beekeepers suit on! :) x Sarah you can fit a wheel in that craft room of yours, just move the bed out! xx Lacey, the term 'holiday' is used very loosely around here. xx


I appreciate and enjoy reading all of the feedback from your comments. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and sharing your thoughts. Sadly I have found it necessary to enable word verification, something I was trying to avoid...but I am receiving an unmanageable deluge of Spam! We don't want that do we? xxx :)