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Sunday, 10 July 2011

Tour De Bloomin Fleece Day 9! 2011

Who would have thought it was so difficult to spin daily?  Tomorrow is a day of rest and I intend to crochet.  I am determined to spin every day I am supposed to but today I am all Birthdayed out!  I will do half an hour of 'Old Man's Beard' while I watch the news.  I am so glad I am not cycling.  My little fella had a lovely day today and is now fast asleep.  We had a Barbecue at my parents in the sunshine.  At one point both of my sons, (they won't like me for sharing this) were running around in their underwear, having a balloon fight!  You had to see it to believe it.  Hooray for July babies!  Euan had lots of great presents, a new BMX bike, he bought himself a new Games Console with his birthday money, he has had games, water guns,  lego and a remote control Rattlesnake which is fun.  All that is left is;
Gooey Chocolate Birthday Cake with Sweeties on the top.
And Strawberry Trifle - Would anyone like some?  You would seriously be helping me out!
Tomorrow he will take lollipops to school to give out to his classmates at the end of the day.  He says being 7 is fantastic and being 56 will be even better.  I told him today' it is great to have a seven year old son' and he told me 'it is great to have a forty year old Mom.'  Bless him.  The oldest is now gearing up for his Birthday on Friday when he will be 15.  He has requested a Barbecue too.  Blimey I will have to experience it all again ( and so will my poor parents who host these affairs for me!).  It will play havoc with my 'Tour De Fleece'!  Oldest starts work experience tomorrow in a local Primary School for a week.  I am definitely more nervous than he is.  He has hair longer than Ozzy Osbourne's and a personality to match,  (we also have the Brummie accent!)  I wonder if he will last the week?  Should go down a storm with the kids!


  1. It sure sounds like you've been exceptionally busy! I'm so glad to hear that the birthday celebrations went well. I'm sure your older boy will have a wonderful time also. Keep up with the hard work spinning! All of your hard spent time will pay off. Imagine how accomplished you'll feel when this is all said and done! Best of luck to your oldest tomorrow!

  2. Lacey - you are very kind :) I will tell my son in the morning, when he is dressed in all his finery, that one of my blog buddies wishes him well. He is as cool as a cucumber and very sensibly has gone to bed early! celebrating with his little brother must have tired him out. They are great brothers and love each other very much :) (most of the time!)

  3. Dear Lucy, I want to wish ---
    *H*A*P*P*Y* * *B*I*R*T*H*D*A*Y*!*!*!*
    to both your lovely sons. I'd like to see a photo of the oldest one, the younger one is aDORable! My boys' birthdays are 4 days apart so I know how it is celebrating close together. I'm proud of you for doing your spinning each day!
    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  4. It sounds like you are having a ball, hope all goes well for your son.

  5. Happy Birthdays all round to the boys. Looked like a great celebration.
    Carol xx

  6. Mmmm the cake looks delicious!!! Happy Birthday to your boys :)


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