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Thursday, 7 July 2011

Day 6 'The Tour De Peas' 2011

The 'Tour De Peas'...well it makes a change from the 'Tour De Fleece'.  I do love fresh peas.  I don't have many but the ones I do have are very tasty.  I love them raw but am very wary of grubs.  I always inspect my peas and it gives me a shudder to see grubs in the pod!  These were steamed for about a minute and added to a simple pasta salad.  It is important that I sustain myself with 'Carbo loading' as all athletes need to pay attention to their diet.  Day six of the 'Tour De Fleece',  I sneaked in a bit of crochet today!  Before continuing with my 'Rainbow Bobbin'.  I think it is getting fatter.
I must admit my right knee is feeling a bit creaky but nothing too bad.  I am sure the rest day on Monday will help.  It is a good job I am not in 'The Tour de France'!  I am too much of a hypochondriac.


  1. Ohhh! I am with you on fresh peas. They are just so delicious. I got caught once when I was a little girl filling a pillowcase with fresh pea pods. I was intent on having them for a midnight feast --- all on my own! Took my Mum all of 10 seconds to investigate a VERY lumpy pillowcase as she was kissing me goodniht! Happy memories.

  2. What a beautiful bobbin! I can't wait to see the skein once it's all put together! Best Wishes!

  3. Fresh peas, perfection! I read the Princess and the Pea to my little girl tonight, so linda's story made me laugh! Your bobbin is beautiful, I'm loving your daily posts:-) Judith x

  4. Nothing better than fresh peas. My mom used to make creamed new potatoes and fresh peas.. yumms. I love your spun yarn.. do pop over and see my bobbin of rainbow yarn.
    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  5. I am thoroughly loving learning about your spinning etc. I love to hear about new crafts especially as I am unlikely to get the chance to have a go. Well done you its really interesting and informative. Thank you lovely lady.

  6. I'm so sorry about your creaky knee -all that spinning catches up with a girl! Reading your comment on my blog, I was so sorry about you not being able to eat your first eggs -absolutely heartbreaking to not get to enjoy them. Lovely yarns here, and lovely peas! Ours aren't quite ready to pick yet, and I can hardly wait until they are!


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