I have to own up to having a 'Tour de Fleece' Puncture on Friday. I think Birthday's and a busy week caught up with me. Henry had a good last day of work experience for his birthday and then he requested a Barbecue at my parents. Henry is somewhat of a food connoisseur and likes to try new (to him) foods Oysters, Octopus, Lobster, Rabbit etc. He has quite adventurous taste. He had requested 'T Bone Steak - Rare'. My Dad bought him a whopping 'Black Welsh' beef steak. Henry really enjoyed it. So all the frivolities meant I got a bit off track. Never mind I am back in the saddle and ready to attempt to spin everyday again until the 22nd July.
Day 15's attempt was something new to me. Camel! I never used to be a Yarn snob. However I can see myself getting that way if I'm not careful.
Shiela at Handspinner.co.uk had a very generous offer in June, for subscribers to her Newsletter. She sent out a Fibre Selection. The fibres were Camel - Natural 'White' Tops, Angora Rabbit - Natural white, Cashmere Tops - Natural white, Baby Alpaca - Natural white, Kid Mohair 'Super Grade' - Natural white and 'Fine Dehaired Yak wool. The subtle nuances is fascinating. I have worked mostly with wool. I have spun a little silk and some 'Dog hair' in the past. This was a fantastic opportunity to try something new.

Camel is something else! It is so soft and silky and I really wouldn't call the colour white. I would call it 'Caramel Camel'. It is beautiful. I am however very allergic to Angora Rabbit and also cat hair. I have a feeling I am a little sensitive to camel. It could be that it has shared space with the Angora though! My eyes swell and my nose itches when I come in to contact with Angora or some cats. I used to have a lovely Tom Cat called Buddy, I loved him very much and put up with the sneezes and sniffles, which only got bad if he brushed himself on my face. I love cats. I am still going to attempt to spin a little angora though. As I type it is sitting next to me and I can feel a huge sneeze coming on. The Camel spins into a beautiful soft yarn and feels very warm in my hand as I spin. I would love a jumper or cardigan made in fine Camel, Oooh Bless Me! I have just had a huge sneeze! No good wearing a jumper that feels great but makes you sneeze and gives you Hives! I am going to knit swatches with these fibres and sew them together for a Display. I may add fine 'Lacey Hair' to the collection - 'Natural Black!'
I am looking forward to spinning Yak the most.
I was reading last night about Qiviut - which is the fine undercoat of the Musk-Ox. It is reputably the finest 'wool' in the world.
The wool is stronger than sheep's wool and eight times warmer but finer than Cashmere. 22g of Qiviut Yarn sells for about $42 dollars! That is a price not to be sniffed at! Achoo! Oh Bless Me again! Hope you are all having a good weekend.