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Tuesday, 24 May 2011

We're all going on a Summer Holiday!

I am so excited and it is great to have Bloglanders to share it with.  I have booked my Summer holiday and we will be staying in this fantastic Yurt.  It may not be everyones cup of tea but it looks perfect to me.  We have tried camping which had it's ups and downs (more downs than ups for me!) but I believe this is called Glamping.  Glamorous camping!  At least me and my other half won't have to argue as we struggle to put the tent up!  Yippee!

Compared to camping it looks fabulous.  Loading the car with the tent and all the equipment causes you to need a holiday and then doing it all again to come home can be soul destroying!  (If you are lazy like me).  The burner looks fantastic at least we should not get too cold at night, I find camping freezing.  In the morning, usually about 5am, I wake up and need an hour or two to feel human!  With Glamping I am sure I will wake up like a movie star and be refreshed and ready to go!  The site is a thirty acre Community farm in Cornwall.  It is not too far from Tintagel Castle, surrounded in Mystery and Legend and said to be the birthplace of King Arthur.

I have the small matter of a babysitter for chickens to sort out, if they hurry up and start laying they make make themselves more appealing.  I can hire chickens when I am down there for a week which will be fun.  The dog can come and stay at The Yurt too, but I guess we need to think carefully about the logistics as Cornwall is not particularly dog 'friendly' in the Peak holiday season.  I will be fine with the dog and my crochet, living in a Yurt, but my partner and the kids may want more from their holiday.  I need to calm down a bit as we are not going until the last week of August and I am already getting Hiccups thinking about it!


  1. you certainly won't be cold in a yurt! they heat up wonderfully once the stove is lit.

  2. Oh boy! That sounds just fab!! We have a week camping in our trailer at a lake in Oregon in August. I want to find some other trips to plan for June & July! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  3. Hello there, I found you whilst I was hopping around blogs! Loving having a read :) that looks like it's going to be a fabulous holiday, I want to go Glamping!!!

    Jo x

  4. Have a great time Lucy...
    waiting to see more pictures..

  5. Oh my goodness!! I have alwys wanted to stay in a Yurt. I am going to google it now. So excited.

  6. Fantastic huge congratulations Lucy, love the look of the Glamping House :)

  7. Wow, this really looks like exciting holidays you are looking forward to! I love camping though and have no problems in tents. And for being warm in your sleeping bag nothing is better than snuggling up with the doggies!


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