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Friday, 8 June 2012

What a Joker!

Yow yow yow yow YOUCH!  Why didn't somebody tell me?  I waxed my top lip for the first time today!  Jeepers!  That is painful. . . much like childbirth!  I am going to bed with 'Nappy Rash' cream on my face to temper the redness and sooth the soreness!  Gawd!  I don't think I will be doing that again in a hurry.  I am sharing because if it was anyone else but me I would find it hilarious!  Yep that is my sense of humour.
         I am due to go to Weaving Spinning and Dyeing Guild tomorrow. . . face allowing!  I think it may scab!!!  We are having a talk about 'silk worms'. . . they would make interesting pets wouldn't they?  I have always wanted stick insects but silk worms would be cool.
I am long overdue a crafty post I know!  I bet y'all are desperate for me to show you my dish cloths. . .  I was very creative and crafty today and I crocheted a slug. . . I have not quite finished him yet, nor have I photographed him.  He is brown and sluggy and his eyes are on stalks!
        I went for a swim tonight with my boys...they wrestled each other and played Ninjas in the water while I swam for 80 minutes.  The wave machine was broken, which was a bit sad because it reminds me of swimming in the ocean.  I do like the wave machine.
         I hope you are set for a fantabulous weekend.  :) xxx


  1. ouch! i sympathise. my sister once used me as a guinea pig when she was on a beauty course - she ripped a layer of skin off my shins..owwwwwwww, it was not nice! and the area around the lips is far more sensitive than shins, poor you! have you tried aloe vera on it? it helped my legs.

    watch your chickens don't try to eat sluggy! ;)

    1. Yowch! I used to feel I had missed out on not having a sister...but the more I learn I am sure I did quite well having only one older brother! :) Aloe Vera would be great I will get some if there is a next time! xxx

  2. Witchhazel will help your lip if you can get your hands on some. Also, if you are crazy enough to try it again, try one made of sugar instead of wax. You don't heat it and it doesn't do anywhere near the damage to your poor skin. Your posts are great even without your crafty updates. I do love those too. Hope you don't scab and can go tomorrow. XOXO

    1. Thanks for the advice I should have known really to post here and get the advice first! All is calm again. :) xxx

  3. Oooh Ouch!

    Hope it heals for you to go and have some fun, maybe you could wear a headscarf across your lower face but it may just add to the looks and questions!

    1. lol I applied a liberal layer of foundation and held my head up high! :) xxx

  4. Oh dear, hard to hide your upper lip, you have my sympathy. Maybe you could wear comedy glasses and a fake moustache and go in fancy dress?

    1. Ahhh we live and learn don't we? Thanks for your suggestion if you were in person I would have probably given your shin a sharp kick! lol :) xxx

  5. Awwwwwww! Big sloppy kiss may help but who will be offering I wonder!

  6. OUCH! I feel your pain! I am part wookie so I make with the waxing pain about twice a month. It's not pleasant. I find a hot shower before hand seems to help. I think it opens up the pores and makes the hair a little less painful to rip out by the root. Oh the things we do.

    1. That is sensible advice...not sure there will be a next time...I may just wear my Moosetash with pride! :) xxx

  7. I'm sorry about your bad experience! Waxing is always a dangerous game to play... Hopefully it won't be as bad next time since you know what to expect now. I would like to see the little slug you have created :) I want to get around to crocheting critters and other similar things. I want to be able to make toys! Would you recommend creating a slug?

    1. Slugs are little devils aren't they but they are also quite cute in a weird way...well they are when you make them out of yarn. Go on make one and we can compare slugs! :) xxx

  8. Oh dear, have had mine waxed many times and no problem, but recently had it threaded ... That is like being very closely cut with a rusty razor blade, agony! The things we do! Hope it's better now, Claire xxx

    1. Thank you so much for that information! I appreciate you saving me the pain. There is a little booth in our town centre that does threading in full view of everyone! I am so glad I did not follow my whim to try it! I think I would howl the place down...obviously I have a low pain threshold. :) xxx

    2. It does give fantastic results though ... I have repeated the experience ... Pride's painful! Xxx

  9. A few years ago, after being told by my son that I needed a shave (kids are very honest, aren't they!)I bought some facial hair removing cream and applied it liberally - ignoring the instructions to test a small patch first. Result? Had to go work next day looking like a Halloween mask with a scabby red moustache and beard, and explain to my male colleagues why I looked like I'd been apple bobbing in acid.
    Hope yours has calmed down.
    Love from Sue (sil) xxx

    1. I feel a bit chilly without it! I won't be rushing into it again in a hurry and I can now tick hair removal cream off my list too! I think the only answer is to wear out hairy faces with pride! Nice! :) xxx

  10. Heh heh- I wouldn't blame you at all! Also - Mustaches are quite fashionable now. People are drawing them on there finger with marker and wearing little fake ones. So maybe growing it out and sporting it with pride is the way to go! (Also - less tears and redness!) :D

  11. Oh Lucy my eyes are watering in empathy having been there myself OMG the pain! Seems such a quick and easy solution to the moostache issue doesn't it. NO never do it! Having been blessed with fair skin and dark hair I find the easiest way to deal with it all is bleach, not the stuff under the sink Lucy put it back! Special stuff from Boots(or other good chemist). In fact my daughter and I have bleaching parties, ban the boys and sit around with white slugs on our top lip, oh the glamour! Hope the redness goes soon. ♥

  12. I completely sympathize. My mustache has been a little unwieldy since getting pregnant so I decided to try wax strips and spent the next 12 hours holding my smarting upper lip. The things we do for beauty! (Although, not sure how a bright red upper lip and watery eyes is beautiful.) :)

  13. Youch!! All things like that are a throw back to days of yore when they sent people to the tower and plucked their eyebrows and waxed their bodies as a punishment!! I'm sure they must have done that anyway, it's on a level with the rack and a heated poker!!!
    Hope you enjoyed the talk on silk worms.


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