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Monday, 25 June 2012

Par Ra Par Rappa Par Pahhhhh!

Finally I have some crochet to show.  My Mojo mysteriously dwindled. . . it may be due to calorific deprivation!  I had some weaving projects that did not go to plan and they landed in the bin!  I get sore about such matters. . . but reading blogs I realise it happens to the best of us.  I am in great company in 'Blogland'.  I chose to make some 'dishcloths', 'washcloths'. . . whatever you want to call them I chose a no brainer. . . for what can go wrong with a simple square?   I am so delighted to have finished four of the beauties I felt they were worthy of the 'Collage' treatment!  Look at them!  Fabuloso!  I do not know where the cotton all came from but the lovely purple is from my bestest 'Blog' buddy Teresa, when we had our most exciting swaperoonie earlier in the year.  The Purple 'washcloths' and the 'Granny Square' Washcloth are for me.  I do love them for all their wonky imperfections.  I am putting them in my Vanity case to take on my holibobs (in four weeks).  I will use them with some luxurious hand made soap.  Won't I feel posh?  The bottom right washcloth is for my Aunt who has a Birthday tomorrow.  I have got her some 'Goats Milk and Lavender' Handmade soap and a loofah pad.  She has a nice new bathroom, I think that is worthy of a handmade 'washcloth'.  I really don't believe I am so pleased and proud of em!  I worked on them in the car, on the train, at my parents and in waiting rooms.  I love a nice portable bit of crochet.  I get dafter as I get older.  As soon as I have published this post I am picking up my hook again!  Busy busy busy!


  1. I only use hand made cloths for washing up. They are so much better. I love the purple, ones, such a lovely colour. Glad your mojo has returned, very worrying when it disappears like that.

  2. lovely dishcloths, don't know about you but i'd be reluctant to actually use them, just leave them on show, and you should be pleased with them, thats not being daft, otherwise all us crocheters are daft, maybe theres a tad truth in that ??

  3. These are lovely! Thanks for sharing. Collages are wonderful ways to display your work in all the very best ways. Sad when other projects don't come along as planned, but it looks like these cloths were good therapy ;-)

  4. Really beautiful dishcloths, Lucy! I have one standard knitting pattern I have used for dishcloths for over 40 years and have used it as a relaxing break between other more complicated projects or just when I can't decide what to do next. However in the blogs I have read lately I have seen some new patterns and crocheted patterns that are tempting me to give them a try as yours do. Thanks for the inspiration!
    Oh, and sorry my last comment posted twice! I think I sent it from my iPad. I know just enough about computers to get myself in frequent muddles, but I would prefer to blame Blogger as you did than find that I have once again blundered :)
    Gracie <3

  5. Yay! Your mojo is back...and the cloths look great! I am sure your aunt will love hers :)

  6. I'm happy to hear you've got your mojo back :) Handmade washcloths are some of the simple pleasures in life I think. I'm sure your aunt will love hers as well as some of that soap! Are you going anywhere special for your trip coming up?

  7. Dear dear Lucy! I love your wash cloths! I have knitted the ones that go diagonal with the holes around the outside for many years. I also have a really nice crochet pattern for them too. I'm glad you used my KnitPicks yarn I sent you! I actually google searched for your blog entry today of the things I sent you in our personal swap to grab your photo of the painting of the Tor I did for you and saw the yarn and hoped you'd enjoyed it. I wanted to scan the painting I did for you but was in such a tizzy to get them in the mail I forgot. Did you get it framed? I'm actually crocheting on a hat for my DIL - she asked me to make it for her. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)


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