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Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Orrible Mother! Who Me?

Well well well!  What an Orrible Mother I am!  Today was D Day!  I said 'If you don't keep it tidy, it's gonna go!' and I meant it!  Henry said 'but Mom you know he doesn't think you mean it!'  I said 'I know but now he will know that I did!'  Henry was my right hand man!  He felt really bad chucking his brothers stuff away. I predicted a tantrum.  This is a child that is emotionally attached and has a photographic memory for each rock, Lego brick, itty bitty piece of paper he has ever collected. . .We had just unearthed his 'Chocolate Stash'  I don't know where it came from.  Easter I think and I don't think they were all his!   We heard the front door open as Euan came in from playing outside, Henry and I literally froze, sensing the pending outrage. . .   Sure enough ( I know my children so well)  there was a meltdown.  It was not the three large sacks of toys for the charity shop that did it, it was not the two large bags for the bin that did it. . .it was one tiny Lego brick, that he found in the Wheelie bin that I had carelessly not hidden!  One Brick!  He has about 10 000 others.  Howl, yep, he howled like a wolf at full moon.  He was very very cross with me.  I apologised profusely.  We retrieved the brick and then all was calm again (eventually).  It is such a relief to have the 'Den' under his bed clean and tidy again.  After the meltdown he sat and played Lego nicely in his clean and tidy 'Den'.  He has since thanked me and says it is great.
I have been continuing with my mission to try and get organised. . .  Jeepers Creepers. . .how long is it going to take?  The people at the charity shop are starting to look incredulous at me now when I stagger in with more sacks!  All day today I have been on a mission. . .all day!!!  Let me tell you, the house still looks a tip!  Gah!  I have the car loaded ready for the Charity shop again tomorrow.  I even, get this, to alleviate my guilt at throwing my son's belongings out . . .I got brutal with my own, I took three cones of yarn to the charity shop.  My stash is out of hand.  The trouble is those cones are playing on my mind now. . . I might have to go and buy them back in the morning!
I have vacuumed and mopped and cleaned and tidied.  I have even cleaned a window!  The dog got banished outside for making the place look untidy.  She is very happy tonight though as I found her Christmas Present that vanished in December.  It had fallen behind a cupboard so she never got it at Christmas.  She is very happy with her Cuddly Turkey that squeaks, even if it is a bit out of season.
I am hoping when all the clutter has gone to be able to craft in peace again.  To be able to craft, guilt free without thinking 'I should be doing this or that'!  I am also hoping it will help me to be organised and possibly get some projects finished.  I still can not see the light at the end of the tunnel.  Surely if I keep going in the right direction I will get there.  How much stuff can one small house contain?   Tomorrow I live to fight another day.  xxx 


  1. Goodness me you've been busy! Well done on sticking to your guns and well done on so much clearance. It's such a difficult task to get done isn't it? I feel like it's a constant battle to keep things at a reasonable level, which begs the question of where the heck it all comes from! Hang in there, you are making a difference and if you keep at it, you will get on top of it!

    S x

    1. Thanks Sandra you are a motivator! :) x

  2. Congrats to you! Sounds like you have been remarkably productive today! I'm glad Evan seemed to be ok with everything after the brick incident. The charity shop should be set for a while! I'm sure they appreciate the generous donations. I hope you feel better and can happily craft in peace!

    1. Nearly there Lacey, just another Lorry load or two to go! :) x

  3. I understand, where does it end and how do we accumulate so much stuff. We are moving at the beginning of July and I am amazed at how much stuff I need to take to Goodwill. That is like the American Oxfam. I was in there one day looking at a book thinking I should get this. I opened it up and it had my name in it. I gave it to them for goodness sake. Keep going, you will be so happy when finished.

    1. Kashi you make me laugh, that is soooo like me to buy my own book back! :) xxx

  4. I'm sure our house must be rising up on its foundations, little by little our house is getting lighter! It's getting very serious if you are decluttering your yarn!! Hoping to do a car boot on Sunday, which will be an experience no doubt!!

    1. Good Luck Claire I hope the Weather holds out for you and you raise some Hollibob have a team to help! :) x

  5. Don't you feel smug when you have a good clearout? It just means there's more room to collect more stuff though .... xxx

    1. Exhausted as well as is always good to see carpet you have not seen in a while! :) xxx

  6. Hail the warrior cleaning woman!! Take no prisoners lady, you are a force to be reckoned with :)

  7. After watching those hoader programmes I think everyone is having a clear out. I took 6 bags out to charity yesterday! Not sure about the yarn though;)

    1. I said to Euan in the thick of it yesterday 'You have not seen those programs Mommy watches with people with houses full of junk!' He said 'I have they have newspaper stacked from the floor to the ceiling and they crawl through the spaces!' I said 'Well then!!! We do not want to be like that!' lol :) xxx

  8. Blimey, you are on a mission aren't you! Um...where is this charity shop of which you speak...I may have to go and pay it a visit.....good luck with the rest of the de-clutter x x

    1. The Good old Sally Army, my Great Great Grandfather was a Salvationist, he would be proud of me! :) xxx

  9. h Lucy I know the lego issue very well! All my boys know every piece of lego they own personally and they're all grown up now! Guess what Jacob(18) has been building with it all day, reason.........his laptop is full of cocoa i.e. NOT WORKING! So throwing it out was never an option here! I remember a major incident when I hoovered up a tiny little yellow light brick, and yes we trawled through the dust to rescue it. Good luck with the rest of your decluttering you'll feel like you're in a new home when it's done.

    1. Sue that is so funny...but the thought of this lego obsession going beyond 12yrs had not occurred to mean I may have to put up with this for a good few more years....Gah....Laptop full of Cocoa that sounds baaaddd! The things we do...delving into wheelie bins and hoover bags! Gross! :) x

  10. i have still not forgiven my mum for throwing away my knitted mousey :( my nan made him for me and i would drag him everywhere (he had long, dangly stripey legs that gragged and dangled in the mud) he was very, very old and threadbare when she threw him out, both ears had unravelled and his nose looked chewn. but i still loved him.

    well done though on the decluttering, i wish i had your strength(i obviously don't take after my mum). one of the rooms in this house looks like someone has dumped the goods for about thirty scout jumble sales in there, mind you i have only just moved the stuff in. though lord knows why i didn't leave it where it was. i've semi-lived here and semi-lived in my last place for the past couple of years. instead of having the use of one three bedroom house and one two bedroom house, i now only have the two bedroom one with all the stuff from both houses in it! a definite case for decluttering.


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