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Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Jubilee Confession Time!

You can't have a Diamond Jubilee without cake can you?  A once in a lifetime celebration. . .
Euan agrees with me.  A Diamond Jubilee without cake is a no no!  (Euan has placed an order for a cake, exactly like this one, for his birthday in a few weeks).  I will just have to stammer my excuses to the Weight Watchers Leader again!!!  I also made some Lemonade Scones they are too easy to make and too easy to eat but wow...there is a lot of Weight Watchers points in a little Itty Bitty pot of cream!  The Lemonade was Sugar Free though!  Today I believe is the last official day of the Jubilee Celebrations.
My Bunting does not look as Splendiferous as it should for this time of year.  It has got welded to the fence in the drizzle!  Not to worry it adds to the typical UK feel of it all.  You can't have a Bank Holiday Celebration in this country without Cakes and rain.  In honour of the Jubilee it is a special extended Bank Holiday, so you aff to have special extended cake baking!  Today's cake is going to be;
Herman the German.  Tah dah!  Fresh out of the oven this morning.  Poor Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh, has been taken poorly.  He is hospital for the rest of his Missis's Party!  In honour of The Duke's German Heritage, I will have a large 
slice  small slice of Herman the German Friendship Cake and send out my 'Get Well Soon' wishes.
Sarah left me a lovely comment regarding my 'Elderflower Cordial', she is quite right, as always. Gin and Elderflower Cordial are a perfect quaffing match for a Summer Celebration.  Don't ya just love the education you get via blogging.
So I am confessing Jubilicious over indulgence!  There it is out!  You heard it hear first.  The Chickens loved 'Lemonade Scones' too.  Today I am expecting very special 'Visitors' and I hope to share the photographs tomorrow (fingers Crossed).
I feel I must also confess on the crafty front, but really that could be a whole new post or five!  I have been decluttering again and bags and bags have headed to clothing banks and shoe banks and the Charity Shop.  It is a good job I have a weeks holiday, but I have at least a months decluttering to do.  I have had some crafting disasters of late.  Nothing to proudly 'Tah Dah' about.  I have had disasters that have been binned and disasters that are awaiting their fate.  Over the Jubilee I have been crocheting 'dish cloths'.  They are a kind of punishment to myself!  I will stick to the humble dishcloth for a while as I can actually complete those and can't go too far wrong!  Why in the 'Land of Blog' do I not see people sharing 'Crafting Disasters'?  Am I the only one having them?  I am sorry to be morbid but I would simply love to see your 'disasters' or at least hear about them. . . .
Well I better go and muster up some energy for the final day of this most 'Jubilicious of Occasions'.  I am glad these 'Jubilees' don't come round too often, I just can't keep the pace.  Her Majesty must be absolutely exhausted!


  1. Remember my felting disaster. I shared it because I put so much work into it and then the very last step in the process and it was a mess. Oh well. I agree, share the mistakes too. We all make them and people have great advice on how to avoid the same mistake as before.
    Don't worry about the cake, if you can't have some to celebrate 60 years then when can you have some?
    Have a great week off.

  2. love the look of the cake - I will have some confessions for my WW leader as well!!

    Enjoy the day!


  3. WOW that is a lovely cake! I got hungry looking at it! Your bunting is really cute even in the rain!

  4. My post about taggies and the complete mess I made of them is somewhere in my archive!
    Lovely post Lucy!
    You will soon shake off the calories x

  5. It sounds like you and yours have been enjoying the Jubilee. Glad to hear it! And don't stress about craft disasters; we all have them! I frequently have to start and then rip out a project at least twice before I get the hang of anything!

  6. I have just taken pics and written a post fro a crafting disaster, it should be on my blog in a couple of days. Enjoy the cake!

  7. euan is quite right about the cake. isn't illegal not to eat any cake today? i'm sure it is ;)
    haha i love the expression on euan's face, a boy after my own heart. i definitely have a soft spot for cake and today i intend to indulge with at least two varieties :)
    if it's of help to you, i have a whole pile of crochet disaters, infact disasters seem to be the only thing i can crochet! i do a little better on the knitting front (but not much). it's a bit worrying that my daughter is hoping i'll procuce an amigurami bear thingie for her birthday in two weeks time! she's got her poor heart set on one. i asked her if she would like me to buy her one as there are some lovely oned on etsy, but she insists that it would not be as special as one that i made myself. i'm not sure about producing one that's special, but i think i can manage "special".
    enjoy the rest of the jubilee! xxx

  8. Mmmm cake (is it from the Good Food Calendar?)...Euans face is a picture! I bet he enjoyed it! Glad that you also liked the elderflower and gin combination - it definitely helps with Jubilee celebrations! Enjoy the rest of the weekend x x x

  9. You're not alone! I've given WW a miss this weeK (naughty!) as thought Chinese takeaway, full fat afternoon tea, bottles of wine, cake, etc, did not equate to weight loss! Back on it tomorrow ... If you can't enjoy yourself at a Diamond Jubilee, when can you? Your cake looks fab, by the way! Love Claire xxx

  10. I have had my fair share of crafting disasters! Your cakes look delicious even my daughter thinks so :)

  11. Oh where is my slice of cake? lol. My diet went out the window too, not cake but strawberry trifle and (half price, not half calories!) champagne, tut, tut. Never mind we'll both get back on track won't we?
    I have an autograph book, signed by a lot of teachers when I was at school one quote is "A (wo)man who never made a mistake is a (wo)man who never did anything". So, yes, I imagine all crafters have disasters, mine, if they are yarn, usually get frogged and become something else.
    Would you believe my sister asked me to make her a 'rainbow' dishcloth yesterday? (she spotted mine)
    Right I'm just off next door to see photos of the cat that needs a forever home.
    Carol xx

  12. Well, Lucy. There is a basket on top of one of my bookcases. In it is my only attempt at knitting a sweater. After knitting about twelve inches with cotton yarn I disliked everything about it. It has been waiting about ten years to be frogged so that I can knit my standard pattern dishcoths with the yarn. Knitting my standard pattern dishcloth is usely soothing even if I botch the edging :) But from time to time I have had to frog one of those, too!
    Joy to you and yours,
    Gracie <3

  13. Lucy your cakes looks fab and absolutely perfect for the Jubilee celebrations! And yes we all have crafting disasters I know I do. I shove mine at the back of the cupboard and hope they just melt away. I have cooking traumas too, I made a beautiful onion quiche on Monday, as I poured the egg mixture in the pastry cracked all the way round the base. Turned it into a sort of pastry filled omelette hmmm delicious!

  14. Nothing can be celebrated without cake!I bet HRH snaffled a few slices here and there ^_^


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