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Saturday, 30 June 2012

And We Are Off...Day 1 Tour De Fleece 2012

My little 'Kiwi' wheel and I are off to a flying start as the 'Tour De Fleece 2012' kicks off today.  It is great to be back behind the wheel.  I am full of trepidation but I will attempt to spin for each day of the 'Tour De France'.  This fibre is a complete mystery to me, I have no idea where it came from or what it is, it is in my stash and I have a plan for it.  I am hoping it will crochet into 'Earth', 'The Blue Planet'.  Get ready, (with a bit of luck) my posts should be very spinny and fibre filled for July.  I just hope my poor old knees hold out!


  1. Good Luck on Tour de Fleece Lucy! I love the color of the fiber in your photo and look forward to reading your updates. Viva Lucy!

  2. I love the colour of your fibre, it's going to look stunning! I will be popping back to keep up with all your spinning. Good luck!

  3. Looking forward to following your Tour de Fleece. Have a good weekend.

  4. You are awesome. The Tour de Fleece, I love it.

  5. Just think about how much weight you will lose as you are spinning xx

  6. Good job on you to be pledging to spin every day! I will watch. :-) Dayle is outside burning his burn pile, I just caught a glimpse of a fire ball 30 feet high.. oh my.. more later.. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  7. Good luck on the TDF! This is my first year joining in, and today I spun some Ramie- a little trickier than I expected but fun. I look forward to your posts!

  8. Beautiful coloured fibre. Looking forward to seeing what you get up to with all these crafty plans.


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