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Wednesday, 20 June 2012

The Inspector Calls

The inspection at work is over!  Phew.  The Inspector inspected and was inspected in return.  The kids in my class paid absolutely no attention and were their darling little selves!  We have had some feedback but it was not official and needs to be kept under our hats until the official report comes could have been better and it could have been worse!  I had a lesson about Rainforests observed and a lesson about 'Data Handling' observed and the inspector joined us for a 'Minibeast Hunt' outside.  He arrived just as I had tipped over the compost bin and was getting the Heebie Jeebies about woodlice in my shoes!
(Alright, I exaggerate...they were not this big and these would not have fit into my shoes anyway)!
I was cool. . . I kept it together!  I am so glad the inspection is over as I really did suffer with stress and anxiety. . . I got myself in a tizzy!
            I have been absolutely exhausted this week.  I was desperate to sleep last night but kids/teenagers/young adults. . . chose to race their moped around the block several times at half past midnight!  Jeeesh!   Then at 3am  I was woken again by someone wolf whistling outside repeatedly!
Then the wolf whistling got louder. . .the he started banging and repeatedly calling 'Podge...Podgie!'  No before you ask it was not a weird dream. . . it was real.  I looked out of my window and there was a man knocking on the door of the house over the road. . . he had one of those wrinkly dogs not on a lead. . . my best buddy (who is a dog groomer) tells me it is a Shar Pei. 

I thought the dog was called Podgie!  It turns out the dog wasn't called Podgie but the person he was trying to raise from slumber was!  I had enough and turned on my bedroom light and stuck my head out of the window 'Nora Batty' style!

The Geezer got the message and left 'Podgie' and I to our slumber.  He wandered off followed by his wrinkly dog.
                Strike a light!  What is it with some people?  Did this fella not know I had an inspection at work?  If I knew where he lived I think I would pop round tonight at about 4am and sing 'If You're Happy and You Know It' through his letter box!
For now I am happy to be back in the 'Land of Blog'.  I will be even happier when I get my crafting Mojo back!  XXX


  1. Glad the inspection went well, at least you know you are free of them for the next few years!

  2. Lucy I taught the "littlies" for so many years and endured inspection after inspection--- Now it is all a dream -- Do not wish your life away b ut retirement is the best so far!
    Love Linda

  3. Glad your inspection is all over although sorry to hear about your interrupted night's sleep. (Apart from the Nora Batty bit, which was tres funny!) What is it with some people?!

    S x

  4. Omgoodness.. glad that pesky inspection is over. Seems like life is just one hurdle after another, doesn't it? Glad you got rid of the idiot trying to wake the world. sheesh. It's taken me a whole week to recover from all the walking and standing I had to do in DC. Finally went swimming today. I'm tired again.. and I have to lead the Multnomah Falls volunteers on a sternwheeler boat trip tomorrow.. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  5. So glad you survived your ordeals with your humor intact, Lucy :) R&R is in sight! Carry on!!
    Gracie <3

  6. Oh Lucy glad you're torture is over and hope the result is ok for your school! So stressful when those inspectors call, last time they came to our school (which had notice to improve so it's more frequent arghhh) the child I was working with went a bit crazy and threw his shoes across the class shouting Saturn is a planet at the top of his voice (we were doing maths!) it was very hilarious and fortunately the inspector was semi human and understood, but boy that was a hairy moment. Anyway I'm sure your school will come out fine, at least it's over now so you can relax and hopefully get your crafting mojo back.
    As for the warbler I think you were very restrained, maybe a water blaster might be an effective deterrent LOL!

  7. Thank goodness the stress of the inspection is over! I don't blame you one bit for unleashing your inner Nora, it's just a shame that we didn't get a photo of you in your curlers and hairnet! I hope you get the rest of your mojo back soon :)

  8. Record free phonecalls and it may save your life. Harassing phone calls can be stressful and life threatening. But with your quick action and due diligence you can take away that stress and be at peace.


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