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Saturday, 30 June 2012

June 2012 in Photo Collage

June 2012 in collage!  Not very impressive I will grant ya.  It has been a busy month with not much crafting going on.  July promises to be different.  We have three birthdays in our family and schools break up on the 20th July for 6 weeks, I cannot wait.  We are going on holiday on the 21st of July for a week in Somerset.    Of course I have the 'Tour De Fleece' and crochet to keep me busy too.  We have surely used up the rain quota in June so let's hope we see some Summer weather for July.  :)   I am hoping July 1st kicks off with some Olympic Excitement as we are getting up early tomorrow to go in search of the Olympic Flame that is travelling through our town!  


  1. Oh.. what do you plan to do in Somerset? I'm glad you get a vacation. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  2. Well, Lucy, for our last day of June we are getting rain again, and I too am hoping we will enjoy more summery dryer weather in July...If I complain this summer about having to water the garden you can remind me of this hope :) I look forward to your posts about the Olympic Flame, Somerset, and Tour De Fleece :) And I think your June collage looks very accomplished, by the way!
    Gracie <3

  3. Will you be visiting Glastonbury on holiday? Can't wait to see what you come up with for this years Tour De Fleece and hope that your holiday gives your crafting mojo a boost :)


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