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Thursday, 7 June 2012

Billy Bonkers! I Have Lost My Marbles!

I should have got photographs for evidence.  If you are slightly bonkers and it is pouring with rain and the kids are on half term holiday...what do you suggest?   I think my weigh in today went to my head.  I don't get this dieting lark.  I lost 3.5lbs!  Whooo hoooo!  It was totally unexpected and I am convinced Weight Watchers have got their scales on the blink.  Spurred on by my weight loss I suggested me and the kids go for a run!  A bloomin run!  They both looked at me aghast!  They both declined, then I saw my sons exchange glances with each other and they both had a look that said 'Come on, let's go along for the 'crack'!'  Off we went.  It was pouring, I thought this would limit our chances of seeing anyone!  Or more to the point anyone seeing me.  I explained that back in 1981 I ran for my school in a 'District' Cross Country Race, I can run!  I came first that day back then, ok it was 101st but still first!
Well what was I thinking?  The kids both went bonkers sprinting through deep puddles and getting soaked, while I did a mixture of trotting, jogging, waddling, staggering, puffing, panting and lots of walking.  Henry went full on topless and they were both shouting a mixture of encouragement and insults at me!  They thought it was hilarious.  It can only get easier right?  I have looked at a program 'From Couch to 5K'.  I am not sure if it is quite me...I am not even sure if I will do it again.  I am wondering how much I will ache tomorrow.  I came home and had the most delicious 'Cup Cake'!  It was a Cup Cake Bath Bomb in a nice warm bath.  Aaaah that tricked ya didn't it!  I am not a bath bomb kinda girl but it was jolly decadent and it was a cup cake.  I think I am losing my marbles due to calorific deprivation. 


  1. Wow there is no stopping you now! Congratulations with your ongoing weight loss. I seem to be unable to shift any, going to keep trying though.

  2. Hi Lucy.
    CONGRATULATIONS on the weight loss!!!
    Keep on running or at least walk.

  3. Woo! Go you! It's amazing how success can prompt us to push ourselves harder :) I hope you enjoyed your run with the boys in the storm. It sounds like fun! Keep up the wonderful work!

  4. Yay! I am so proud of you! It is hard to lose weight, but you are determined and succeeding. I need to follow your example. ;-)

  5. Thats great. I think you might go again, running can be quite addictive. I have just taken it up again, and am loving it!!

  6. Yup I think you've gone barmy but in the best possible way. Running in the rain, inspired. Get fit without overheating and washing the kids at the same time brilliant!

  7. LOL oh Lucy I did the same thing at the beginning of the week. Kayla came along on her bike and was yelling at me like Jillian Michaels. Funny thing is, I quite enjoyed it :) Well done you!

  8. Brilliant on both counts-- Weight loss and running!

  9. So cool, I did the couch to 5 k or should I say am still doing it I can now run for 15 mins without stopping or throwing up. I NEVER run in the rain I bet it was fun though. I also run where no one can see me. The programme gets you to run walk and you move on when you are ready. I think its pretty good and motivating as you can see pretty quickly that you recover faster and run further. I have put on 3 lb this week enjoying the jubilee so will be running a fair bit next week. Remember to rest every other day and don't wait to get a sports bra like I did, you don't want black eyes!! I'll be running beside you lovelyxx

  10. Hee hee, you did make me chuckle! I've started running just recently and it's just as out of character for me too! I had a little look at the couch to 5k site and I'm not sure I'm quite there yet. I just about manage 1 mile at the mo, so 5k seems a long way off. Still, I never ever thought I'd do a mile so we'll see!

    Thanks for your lovely comments about my room make-overs btw :)

    S x

  11. Well done, I had a surprise too, I'd lost 2 lbs despite being naughty during the Jubilee weekend. Only 2lbs more to go! However, I won't be running anywhere!
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Carol xx

  12. it's difficult for me to type comments on this blog, because my eyes are usually teared up with laughter. you are a card!(that's what my old auntie tilly (really a neighbour) used to call people like you :)

  13. I'm a bit late reading but this nearly made me spit my tea out haha! It sounds really funny but kinda cute! I'm glad your boys were encouraging you (and mocking hehe) to go on - why not go for a run in the rain, sounds brilliant to me :D


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