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Tuesday, 5 June 2012

A Royal Visitation

Honoured I was when this Royal Pair stopped by, truly honoured.   I have to get this photograph made into a Diamond Jubilee commemorative plate or mugs for the kids, it is so funny!   You  gotta love the Great British Family at it's best.

There was a Royal it is in the making and this is Euan's photography!  My apologies if anyone suffers with vertigo.  Her Majesty liked the Hard Boiled Eggs, whilst the Duke gave the pickled Gherkins a bashing.  I would be proud to say I stuck with the healthy salad options but I didn't.  I am likely to actually blub on the scales this week due to all this Jubilee excess.  By my standards I have not been too bad but by Weight Watchers standards I have been hideously naughty!
After the party her Majesty let her hair down a little. . . before she slipped into something more casual to travel on to her next engagements!   In all I think she has had a fantastic weekend and so have we.
Long may she reign over us!


  1. Looks like you all had a jolly Jubilee!

  2. Hahaha those photos with masks are very funny :D

  3. LOL fantastic post thoroughly enjoyed it..... I wonder you don't put plaques up in the house HRH had lunch here...he! he!
    seriously... well trying to be...great fun post and great photos

    Amanda :-)

  4.'re mad you lot! in the very nicest and most hilarious way possible :D
    if there was a competition for the funniest blog, yours would win it hands down. i absolutely love this place! :) xx

  5. smiles here too :-)

  6. How wonderful the royals at your table. Who knew The Duke was into gherkins! You must be very proud to have entertained such special visitors a memory to treasure forever!

  7. Funny! Good to see Philip made a speedy recovery to keep the engagement of tea at your house ;-)

  8. Wow! You were truly honoured!....You do know you are completely bonkers don't you? But that's why I love your blog!

  9. Yep there may be tears this week but the lemon meringue pie was worth every bite


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