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Sunday, 10 June 2012

Silk Painting - Clive Garner

Today I went with my Mom to the Birmingham and District Guild of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers.  We were due to have a talk about silk worms.  Sadly the ladies husband was taken poorly and she could not make it, but a Gentleman called Clive Garner kindly stepped in at the last minute and he gave a demonstration and talk about 'Silk Painting'.  Now I can't pretend I can tell you much about it but the results are stunning.  If you click on Clive's name you can see more of his art work.  It is a treat to see.  The above piece is called 'Killarney'.  Isn't it beautiful?  Clive had sample swatches of many different types of silk which was really interesting to 'explore'.   When they are all together in one place you can really compare the weight and lustre of each silk.  The 'paints' Clive used were Acid Dyes.  The colours travel on the silk and merge, you can use Gutta for outlines that fix the cloth to prevent the dye from spreading.  I am definitely not an artist but my Mom likes to dabble a bit with paint.  I like the idea that when 'Silk Painting' you can have a general idea of the effects you would like to achieve but it is not precision art and you can never be too sure of what you will end up with.  I think my Mom would like to try 'Silk Painting' where I suggested I would like to splodge about and make random patterns and exploring colours on a scarf or something.
Clive used wax resist on this silk painting, 'The Wave'.  They are very bold, vibrant works of art.  I was most impressed and learned a great deal about the silk industry, silk and the techniques for painting on silk.  Of course I would like to rush out now and buy lots of silk painting supplies so I could play!  I am so divergent.  I spent my morning spinning some bright blue wool rather like this wave.  While I listened to Clive speak and watched him paint I was busy crocheting another dishcloth!  It felt good to be 'Crafty' again and chat to lots of other 'crafty folk'.  The room is always a hive of activity with people absorbed in their own fascinating projects.
            There isn't another meeting now until September.  One of the more senior members is going to demonstrate how to sort/skirt a fleece.  Watching somebody skilled and experienced is the best way to learn.  As a Guild we have a project to prepare for a gathering of six Guilds in 2013.  We are preparing a display using only 'Shetland Fleece'.  The fleece will get sorted and distributed in September then in needs to get turned into all sorts of niceties.  I need to finish decluttering and get my crafting Mojo back on track!


  1. Thanks to your good post I now know something about silk painting; and Clive's work is amazing to beautiful!
    Hmmmm what to make with your Shetland fleece...
    Happy dreams, Lucy:)
    Gracie <3

  2. Beautiful pieces of work!

  3. A very interesting post, wish I had been there to listen to the talk. Is there any way I can link to you via email so I get a notification each time you add a new post (not each new comment!) I keep missing out on what you are up to!

  4. Wow such a beautiful form of art, yeah want to try that!

  5. i love silk painting! clive's work is beautiful ❤ i particularly like the landscape with all the layers and bullrushes in the foreground.

    i have a tote bag with an elephant painting on it, given to me by a friend who recently worked on an elephant sanctuary i thailand. elephants like bold brush strokes and colour, having a preference for pink and green (like me :) apparantly they are very creative and really enjoy painting.

  6. Wow, his work is awesome, and I love the wave picture! Thanks for sharing it :)

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