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Friday, 1 June 2012


Euan and I both seem to be getting back to 'normal' health, thank goodness and thank you for your get well wishes.  They were much appreciated.  Today was 'The Jubilee Party' at Euan's school.  His T shirt says 'Keep Calm and Go For Gold'.  He looks a bit glum in this picture, but it was taken in a hurry this morning!  It was lovely to see the children all dressed in their Red, white and blue finery.  We are not allowed to take photographs in schools which is a real shame.  My Mom remembers 'The Coronation Party' at school where her Mother made her a 'Royal Crown' lined with Velvet.  She says she can remember parading from school to the local church in her 'Royal Crown' and black plimpsolls.  I can remember 'The Silver Jubilee' when I was six.  I had a crepe paper crown and had a picnic on the school field.  Henry can remember celebrating the Golden Jubilee when he was six at school and having a crown.  Henry and I went to collect Euan and the children were having a fantastic time outside with music blaring and lots of food to eat.  Euan took Union Jack plates with 'Mini Sausage Rolls' and 'Cheese and Grapes on Sticks', he said the little kids in Year 1 went crazy for them and ate them all up!  They were having the time of their lives.  One of the School Staff stopped me to tell me Euan had been a Superstar and had been helping to clear away.  He offered rather than was asked and he collected rubbish, stacked chairs and generally made himself helpful.  Bless him.  Henry was very reluctant when I enlisted him in helping to put all the tables away!  He was also very helpful though.  Euan had a few issues with his hand made crown, he made it at school and wore it with pride but all the partying made him sweat, the sweat made the dye run in the crepe paper and his forehead went a lovely shade of green.
Henry is very part time at school now and it is lovely to see more of him, when his brother isn't around.  He has a few more exams to do and then a nice long Summer before he goes back to school to take 'A' Levels.  I am glad he is staying at school because he needs the structure and discipline.  I am trying to get him to do a little more around the house but it is like shoving an elephant up the stairs.  It worries me to think that lad will ever be independent.  He can't even make himself a bacon sandwich.  He can manage 'Cheese and Crackers' and occasionally makes very interesting sandwiches with 'Pickled Eggs, Jalepenos, Reggae Reggae Sauce, Olives, cheese and whatever else he can find that is not a vegetable!   Most of Henry's friends are 16 but Henry is not 16 until the middle of July, so he is too young to find a part time job yet!  Not that anyone would want him!  (I jest he is a lovely lad really)!
I manged to walk the dog today, which was my first walk in a week.  I went to Bloomin Weight Watchers yesterday and despite counting, weighing and measuring all my food I put on 1.5lbs!  Miffed I am! Extremely miffed!  Now my back is 98% better I can exercise again.  The dog transformed from Eeyore to All Terrain Dog!  She has a blast, charging through meadows and woods.  She really has a 'Joie de vivre' when she is out she comes alive.  Back home she flops on the sofa and turns back into Eeyore.  I picked some lovely Elderflowers.
The sight of their frothy lovliness brought out my 'inner forager' again.  I was sniffing them all the way home.  They went in a pot with syrup and lemons and I am hoping by morning they will have turned in to delicious Elderflower Cordial.  How posh will I be sipping 'Summery Elderflower Cordial' for the Jubilee weekend?  If it works out well I will post the recipe and method I used.  I have not made Elderflower Cordial before but have wanted to for years.
Henry really wanted to go swimming tonight.  I am pleased about that because the average British Teenager gets up to all sorts on the average Friday Night.  I have tried the kicking his butt approach to parenting with no great success.  So making an effort to take him out is a small price to pay for an evening without having to worry about what he is up to.  Saturday is his day of freedom and I wait at home 'having kittens' until he is home safe again!  I would rather have noisy teenagers in my house then at least I know where they are and what they are up to.  It is a shame kids have to grow up!  If my parents are reading this they will feel it is justice and pay back for the trouble and worry I caused them!  I really would not want to be a teenager again!  I am happy being a grumpy, frumpy, forty something!  After swimming the kids voted for take away burgers!  I was very good and resisted and made Chicken and Vegetable Skewers for myself when we got home.  This diet healthy eating plan lark aint easy!  How can I celebrate the Jubilee on a diet Healthy Eating Plan?
I hope you are all set for a relaxing weekend.  I am hoping to get some more Jubilicious photographs to share over the weekend.  Have a great one!  xxx
I can't believe May is out!  Here is May's Photo Collage.  :)


  1. Delighted to hear that you are feeling better! Sounds as if you are all loving the Jubilee celebrations. I love elderflower cordial so it would be great to hear how you get on with your experiment.

    1. Post will follow re: the Elderflower...tis pretty good. :)

  2. Mmmm, elderflower cordial, my favourite! Which reminds me I forgot to pick some citric acid from the chemist the other day. Must make the effort this half term. I must admit that any healthy eating plan is going on the back burner for a day or so ;).

    Glad to hear you are all on the mend, xx

    1. I have found a non Citric Acid recipe, just extra Lemons...have a great half term break :) x

  3. Hi Lucy, glad you are feeling better. I know what you mean about trying to cut down/eat healthily and join in the celebrations, So I'm having Sunday off. I love elderflower cordial too but haven't made it.
    Hope you have a lovely weekend.
    Carol xx

    1. Elderflower Cordial is a very easy make and a pretty expensive makes sense when the sun shines to go in search of some flowers. :) x Have a great weekend.

  4. Hi Lucy, glad you're feeling better ... really sympathise with you about Weight Watchers ... the weeks when I exercise loads and follow it to the T are the weeks when I maintain or put on 1lb. One week I was really dreading going as I had been very lax and lost 5lb! Doesn't seem to follow at all, but hopefully we'll get there in the end! Have a lovely weekend, Claire xx

    1. Bloomin Weight Watchers eh? I must stay on the wagon though! Have a great weekend too. xxx

  5. Right behind you on the WW. Do your best but importantly enjoy your celebrations with everyone we can get back on the wagon on Wednesday. Also with you on the teen son dilemma. Ass kicking has its place but so does love and praise, praise, praise the victories no matter how tiny.

    1. Both boys have walked up to see their Grandparents now, it looks like it could be a peaceful, worry free weekend on the teenage front! (fingers crossed). xxx

  6. Glad you are feeling better! It must have been awful in this heat and humidity :( Mmmmm elderflower cordial is yummy, and yes, you will look posh sipping your homemade brew over the weekend.
    Hope you (and your family and chooks)have a great time x x

    1. I will try to post a very posh photograph of me during the Jubilicious won't be today though as I am sporting my Waynetta Slob look! Seriously!!! xxx

  7. I read that you had put on 15lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So actually you are fine and doing really well x

    1. Oh Linda, thanks for putting it into perspective. 1.5lbs is so much better than 15lbs. I would have great fun going for the 15lb increase though! :) xxx

  8. Lucy, thanks for the Jubilee report! I am so glad you and Evan are feeling better, and I'm cheering you on with your WW lifestyle (: and loving parenting. I think I have never tried any sort of cordial, and am going to investigate the subject further because you have piqued my curiousity. Happy weekend!
    Gracie <3

    1. Cordial Recipe to follow, I am sipping some right now! Tis rather jolly sophisticated! ;) x

  9. Hi Lucy! Euen is such a darling.. I'm glad he had fun at school. We're racing about trying to get ready for our housesitter to come and meet the animals and pack and on and on.. Enjoy the Jubilee and take photos to share with us! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

    1. I loved your Monkeys in a Tree photograph...classic...It should be made poster sized! Have a great trip. xxx

  10. Hi Lucy glad your feeling better. Now how did you go with the spotty culottes cos we could have done with an extra person at Chippenham today, my feet were completely disconnected from my brain and I think I can say I made up about 4 new dances whilst doing the old ones!!!! Anyway home now feet resting and brain recovering.
    And on the subject of teenagers, having survived 4 of them all I can say is be brave and trust them, hard though that is. My rule was they must phone me and let me know if they changed any plans at all. And yeah there have been occasions when sleep has gone out of the window, but it's ok you get through it, even if you do have to rant sometimes!!!
    Have a great weekend
    Love Sue ♥

    1. Any one that survives four teenagers deserves a medal of some sort. I have been on a decluttering mission again today and did not find any clogs or spotty culottes! My dancing is rather like my singing...I think I am better than I am. :) xxx

    2. Mmmm Elderflower cordial is a favourite here too, we made a lovely batch last week to enjoy, now have the Champagne brewing - lovely for Summer evenings.

      Lots of memories of the coronation and jubilees here too, hoping to pop a blog post on over the weekend to reflect on some memories.


I appreciate and enjoy reading all of the feedback from your comments. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and sharing your thoughts. Sadly I have found it necessary to enable word verification, something I was trying to avoid...but I am receiving an unmanageable deluge of Spam! We don't want that do we? xxx :)