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Friday, 3 June 2011

Homemade Yogurt

I was delighted that the Yogurt worked in the slow pot, it was like Alchemy.  It was very easy to make and has a lovely mild taste.  I had some for breakfast with 'The' Solitary Raspberry.  I will be glad when a few more ripen.

500 ml of Plain Yogurt
2 lt of Whole Milk

Heat the milk in the Slow Pot / Crockpot on high for 3 hours.  Let it cool for two hours.  Add the Yogurt Starter to a cup of the warm milk.  Stir it well then add it to the rest of the milk.  Cover the pot with towels.  Leave it switched off over night.  Hey Presto!  Yogurt for breakfast.
One of my favourite ways to eat yogurt is to stir in chopped melon and stem ginger, delicious.

Oh dear!  I really should have mixed this in a larger bowl.  Doh!


  1. Lucy, you are one clever and ambitious girl! We've had such a late and cold Spring that we have no local berries as yet. But Oregon is famous for it's berries, can't wait. Have you ever made raspberry freezer jam? It's out absolute favorite jam ever. You should try it!
    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  2. Teresa, flattery will get you everywhere. Yogurt is so easy in the slowpot. Freezer Jam? I must have your recipe to try... :)

  3. Wow, that does look good, bet it tasted it too.
    You said you thought you would have far too much - if you haven't scoffed it all or distributed it to neighbours...... perhaps you could freeze some.
    Carol xx

  4. Have you tried EasiYo Yoghurt before? I do one 1 litre tub every day, its just delicious and the kids love it.Your food always looks so gorgeously delicious and mouth watering :) H x

  5. Wow, 'Easiyo', does look easy, no milk, and a starter sachet,also no mess. I will have a look in 'Holland and Barret', I am interested in costing the starter sachets and seeing what is in them. For now I will stick to the slow pot. I am interested to see how the homemade yogurt works as a 'starter' to make more yogurt. As the first batch uses a bought yogurt as a 'starter'.

  6. Yummy! Must try yoghurt with melons!
    I do my yoghurt in a special little yoghurt maker that gives me 8 pots from one liter milk and one small yoghurt. Delicious! I do buy an new yoghurt as starter now and then because I have found out that the more often I use one from the last batch it is more liquid (or would have needed longer fermentation). What I want to try next is using some soy yoghurt and soy milk as I tend to draw away from animals' milk lately. As we have this little appliance I have never tried it in the slow cooker. But we do love our homemade yoghurts!!!
    Oh and talking about the slow cooker, do you have any "keeper" veggie recipes?
    Tina in Germany


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