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Monday, 27 June 2011

Fresh Blackcurrant Muffins

I set myself a goal to try Five Recipes to Make with Fresh Blackcurrants.  I have made the Blackcurrant Marbled Cheesecake twice.  I made some 'Blackcurrant No Bits Jam'.  I will look on the bright side and make the 'Blackcurrant Curd' next year when the Hens are laying as it requires 10 eggs!  I may squeeze in a Blackcurrant Fool this week, who knows.   Finally with some of the last few Blackcurrants I have also made:

Blackcurrant Muffins.
100g Butter
100g Sugar
100g Self Raising Flour
2 Eggs
2 tbls milk
200g Fresh Blackcurrants

Cream together the butter and sugar.  Beat in the eggs and milk.  Fold in the Blackcurrants.  Fold in the flour. Place mixture into paper cases and bake in a medium to hot oven for 10 - 15 minutes until the muffins are golden brown.  I love the way the deep blackcurrant purple 'bursts' in to these muffins.  The sweet cake is just the contrast to the sharpness of the fresh fruit.  I love my paper cake cases I received them in a Swap Parcel all the way from Pittsburgh USA and I knew the blue would be perfect for these muffins.  Very pretty.


  1. Oh yes, the blackcurrant purple does go well with the blue paper...and the muffins look delicious...I can almost smell them...yum!

  2. We have blueberries here.. I wonder if they're close in nature to the blackcurrants? I love your recipes but don't use those measurements.. wah! Thanks for the nice comment on my blog.. you were the first and I'm your 2nd commenter! LOL
    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  3. MJ I am sure it would not taste good if I posted you one across the pond! Thanks for the cake cases I love them :)

    Teresa, your Barbecue looked amazing with all your family. Please give the recipe converter site a go, I have posted a link now on my Recipe Page. I have found it useful. I wish we all spoke the same cooking language! It would make things much easier. I struggle if knitting and crochet patterns are anything other than UK too.

  4. nom nom nom!!!!

  5. Just baked some! First I did it with blackcurrants then again with redcurrants. Found the mixture I made a little dry so I added a bit more milk. Works like a dream! At last- a simple, yummy recipe ^^

    1. Thanks for letting me know :) I have just let the chickens out and I noticed the blackcurrants are ripening nicely. Can't wait. Have you tried the 'cheesecake recipe' now that is good! xxx

    2. Hi, please can you let me know if I can use frozen blackcurrants in this recipe (they were picked from my neighbour's garden and then frozen) or would it be best to defrost them first? Thanks!

    3. I have never tried with frozen blackcurrants it is worth a try though, I have some frozen too, I may try it! Let me know how you get on.... :)

  6. Tracey 11 aug

    I have just made the best blackcurrant muffins EVER!! thankyou so much for this yummy recipe. :-)

    1. Thank you so much for the feedback Tracey, I am glad they were a big hit! You gotta make the most of these delicious little explosions of health and flavour their season is too short! :) x


I appreciate and enjoy reading all of the feedback from your comments. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and sharing your thoughts. Sadly I have found it necessary to enable word verification, something I was trying to avoid...but I am receiving an unmanageable deluge of Spam! We don't want that do we? xxx :)