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Sunday, 12 June 2011

'20 000 Page Views' A Thank You 'Give Away'

I made my mind up that 20 000 page views was going to be worthy of a celebratory Give-Away.  I can not believe I have had over 20 000 page views that seems an awful lot to me!  I would like to thank you,  'Blog readers' from all corners of the Globe.  78 countries to be precise.  It all blows my mind.  I think Blogs are a fantastic way of communicating with each other and I value and enjoy each one of your comments.  I have also made some great Blog Buddies who I love to visit in Cyberspace.  I have learned so much from other peoples blogs and they inspire me to experiment with new skills, crafts and ideas.  All this in just six months of blogging.  You are all Ace.  
The Give Away Prize is this nifty little book containing patterns for crochet socks.
(My Crochet Sock Blog post for anyone that may be interested.)
I loved making my socks but found a distinct shortage of crochet sock patterns.  I bought a copy of this book for myself, when I was looking through it I found myself thinking my Blog Buddies would like this book so I ordered another copy and hatched the give away plan.
If you can Picture yourself glowing with pride, wearing a Pair of hand crocheted socks, made by your own fair hand, then this is the 'Give Away' for you.  All you need to do is leave me a comment by the 17th June and I will pick a lucky winner at random.  I will announce the winner on the 18th of June.


  1. Having just knitted my first pair of socks I'd love to give crochet ones a try!

    Congratulations on 20,000 page views too!

  2. I am not known for my selfish streak but this Giveaway has made it stand out with neon lights and knobs on. I would sooooooooo love that book
    Love Linda

  3. Ooooo, snuggly warm tootsies, on a cool winter's night. To win your book would bring such delight! x x

  4. 20,000 views Lucy! Wowzers matey that's fantastic. Congratulations.
    Very generous give away.
    Love Tickety-boo

  5. Cool book!!! I would love to try crocheting a pair of socks, so far I've done a few pair of knitted ones.

  6. I just wanted to congratulate you on your page views. I love your blog :)

    I'm not entering the competition because I can't crochet, but good luck to all who are entering and thank you for being so lovely and having a give-away in the first place :)

  7. Wow, 20,000 views in just 6 months, that's amazing! Congratulations! It's a fantastic idea to have a giveaway too, and what a great prize!

  8. Hey well done you! I love the idea of socks but could see me with one complete and a lack of oomf to do the second one.

  9. A crochet sock book, with misselle going on about socks on her podcast, I'm thinking about trying a pair, but as a non knitter need some crochet ones and as you know there aren't excessive numbers of patterns on rav. Please enter me in the draw. Px

  10. Your Blog always has something interesting to read. Love the recipes especially. Congratulations!

  11. Well, aren't you the sweetest thing! Congratulations on the views and I hope you have many more - and thanks for the chance to win such a neat prize.

  12. Congrats on reaching 20,000 page views. :)
    I only recently started following your blog after discovering you Ravelry and I'd love to take part in your take away.

  13. I never knew we could do that until now. It would be interesting to learn. Congrats on your blog! :D ~~BayouGramma

  14. I've seen the book and it looks great. I'm always looking out for fun books for me and for my crochet students! Thanks for the giveaway.

  15. Congratulations on 20,000 views! I just recently finished my first toe-up knit socks so trying crocheted ones would be a fun follow-up!

  16. "Congratulations and Celebrations" sung in my (not very good) Cliff Richardish voice.
    Now that looks like a book you could really fall in love with.
    Carol xx

  17. Dear Lucy, I hope I'm one of those blog friends you have made.. I know I think of you as such. I'd love to try some of those socks.. what great gifts!

    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  18. that looks like a fab book!

    I wish i was half as craft-y as you...

  19. i just found your blog and am so excited! i would love the chance to win a copy of your book. :)

  20. OMG, I love your blog! And to discover it and have a chance to win a prize too! WOW! Thanks! Beth

  21. Thank you for offering this and congratulations. This could be my next addiction. XD

  22. Well done you on reaching so many page views! May you have many more to come :D

    Also, I must say thank you for thinking of me and getting in touch. You're right I would love to win this book!! You also inspired me to get blogging again and today I've posted 2 new posts! Including my nominations for the blogger awards. I'm not sure if it's allowed to nominate someone who nominated you, but I have anyway ;) You can find out more info here:

    Much love,
    Kim x

  23. Goodness I was amazed to see I have 1900 people look at my site so that is great 20,000!!!

    Oh crotchet socks, i've done a few knitted but never crotchet.

    Sara (textureknit)

  24. That's a lovely generous thing to do! Looks like a great book. Wonderfully cosy toes for winter! If I won the book, I'd have to start straight away so they were ready for the cold weather, and of course I'd have to make a pair for everyone in the family! Well done for attracting so many to your fab blog! Here's to the next 20,000!! Love the patterns and impressed with the garden produce! My garden is just starting up - lots of 'berried' treasure - strawbs, blackcurrants, gooseberries - yum! Xx

  25. Congratulations on the 20,000 Views! That is amazing!

    As the Author of the book you are giving away.. I am honored!! :)

  26. I don't crochet but several gals in my knitting circle do. They tried to crochet socks but they did't turn out too nice. Maybe they need this book.

    Congrats on 20,000 views!

  27. Congrats on the blog!

    I've always been envious of knitters, as I see socks being a knitters' kinds of pattern, and I can't knit to save my life... but I'd love to crochet some!

  28. I am really enjoying all of your comments, thank you very much. I am glad I was right and so many of my blog buddies would like this book. I feel quite excited when I have a 'Give Away' wondering which one of you lovelies will be the winner. :)

  29. I'm back in blogland just in time to find your fabulous socks!!! I hadn't seen crocheted socks before, even when it seems so logic to me that they can be made!
    I'd love to have that book!

  30. I've been thinking about making crochet socks so I've been eyeing up this book for awhile now! I'm so excited to have found your blog and this great contest:)

  31. daughter-of-artemis14 June 2011 at 11:06

    Socks!!!! Yes Socks! Socks have been a vague shimmering oasis in the distance that everytime I try to reach them they turn into a mirage! Making socks seems to be the one task I struggle to conquer! With a book like this that stuggle would be made easier and I would make a pair of rainbow socks and then go dancing around my house in my socks....

  32. One of the first things I ever crocheted were socks and they were a bit of a disaster, this could definitely help! Thanks for the chance to win!!!

  33. It seems obvious now I think about it, but I'd never dreamt you might be able to crochet socks. But why not ? I'd love to try - how kind of you to give someone the chance to do so.

  34. Never crocheted socks before but would love to have a go!

  35. I've never tried crocheted socks but it sounds fun!

  36. І ωant to to thank you for this fаntаstic read!
    ! I abѕοlutely loved every little bіt of it.
    I have got you book-marκed to сheck out new thingѕ
    уou post…
    My weblog - hard drive


I appreciate and enjoy reading all of the feedback from your comments. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and sharing your thoughts. Sadly I have found it necessary to enable word verification, something I was trying to avoid...but I am receiving an unmanageable deluge of Spam! We don't want that do we? xxx :)