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Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Ravelry Swap Goodies from 'We Love Lucy Group' 'All Good things Come to Those Who Wait.'

I have taken part in a 'Spring Swap' in the 'I love Lucy Group' for fans of Attic 24 Blog.  My Swap Partner was Mary Jean from Pittsburgh USA.  We packed parcels for each other and sent them within a day of each other, they have both crossed the pond and arrived safely at their destinations.  It has all been rather exciting.  I have been stalking the postman for a few days.  He arrived today with a parcel but it was for my son, so I was very disappointed.  I forgot Parcel Force deliver too.  They arrived when I was in the garden and I missed the knock at the door but luckily 'The Lovely Lacey' barked, so I shouted the delivery man just as he was getting back in his van.  I have been put out of my misery and my parcel arrived today.  Yippee!
It was very excited to get it open.
It was all beautifully wrapped in pretty coloured tissue tied with pink and green ribbon.
I followed the instructions and got straight to opening the goodies.
Beautiful yarn that is perfect, I couldn't have chosen better for myself.  Pink and Green 'Mini Mochi' and Lion Brand 'Amazing'. I love the Lion Brand website and use it a fair bit for patterns but I have never seen Lion Brand Yarn in the UK.  Both Yarns are soft and squishy and are destined to be something wonderful.  There is also  a pretty green button.  I am going to think carefully about what to make with this yarn, I am open to suggestions...
Mary Jean had done her research really well, because I just love everything.  A spinning Magazine from the USA, I love reading about 'knitting and spinning stuff' in bed before I go to sleep.  There is also a very cute Gardeners Journal, I will put that to immediate use.  A pretty notebook, I have several on the go and can always use more.  A sheep notepad that can live by the telephone and some 'L' for Lucy Note cards.  Oh but wait because there is more!!!  I have been spoiled rotten.
I don't think I have written anywhere about sewing, I used to do patchwork when I was about 10,  I have a bed sized patchwork that is my oldest 'Work in progress' one day it will get finished.  Mary Jean must be picking up psychic vibes from over the pond because I have been strongly contemplating getting a little sewing machine and only yesterday started to hand sew again after years of no sewing!  I will share with you in another Blog post what I am making.  Again that fabric is so 'Me' I couldn't have picked prettier for myself.  I love it.
  The handmade part of my parcel is these gorgeous Cards.  Mary Jean took the photographs herself this Spring.  Ferns, Daffodils and my favourite a Magnolia Tree in blossom.  There are still more goodies to show you, that box was like the 'Tardis' the goodies just kept on coming....

I was very touched that Mary Jean has sent Goodies for my boys, I can't wait for them to come home from school as I know they will be delighted with their 'Cows Tails' and M&Ms, they are very good at sharing.  They will be amazed that they have been sent treats all the way from America by one of 'Moms' Internet buddies.  There was also chocolate for me!!!  Yippeee!  Peanut Butter Cup, Pecan Truffle and Peanut Cluster.  I love nuts and chocolate.  In fact I have already devoured the Peanut Cluster and By Golly it was good, washed down with a Vanilla Ceylon Tea from a shop called 'Tea by the Sea' in 'Cape May' New Jersey, sounds like just my kind of place, Mary Jean is not long back from her travels.  (I know how to indulge and got stuck in straight away! I just have to decide will tomorrow be the Pecan Truffle or the Peanut Butter Cup?  Tough decision to make there!)  I will be making cupcakes asap too, to use the cute cupcake cases, how pretty are those and a matching notepad for the kitchen.  There is one more thing...last but not least...I love is the sweetest cutest little...

Chicken, I do love my chickens!  I will treasure it.  Well can you imagine how happy all that has made me?  I had to have a little bit of a show off about it didn't I?  I feel incredibly lucky and am overjoyed my Postie stalking paid off!  'All Good Things Come to Those Who Wait.'
Mary Jean a Massive Thank you - I am really overwhelmed by your thoughtfulness and your kindness. 


  1. Wow, what an amazing swap parcel, so many nice things :) I love the look of the fabric and yarn

  2. a very very awesome parcel!

  3. Nice one Mary Jean very thoughtful...enjoy the choccies Luce and go for that sewing machine xxx :-)

  4. What a great box to open! It must have felt like Christmas!

    There are a couple of UK/Europe online places that sell Lion Brand yarn, the best I think being who are based outside the UK and price in Euros, but are very reasonable.

  5. What a fantastic parcel of goodies! That was really worth the wait :) It will be interesting to see what you do with your lovely yarn. I get Lion Brand yarn when I am in the US and bring it back. I really like it, but I don't recognise 'Amazing.' Looks lovely.


  6. What fun! I grew up in Canada, so for me, the enticing thing is candy bars like Aero, and Crunchie, and Coffee Crisp.

  7. Lucy, you lucky girl! You were spoiled rotten! LOL I love it all but you did save the best for last.. I adore the little vintage chickie!

    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  8. What fabulous goodies, such a perfect selection.
    Carol xx

  9. Hi Lucy, got your comment on my new blog post. I get my comments also via email and thought you might want to know that this is the "signature" on your email that comes..

    Inthesky ℳεα∂☺ωSẘℯℯ☂*❀*

    For some reason "meadowsweet" is attached to it. Also, you can change the "no reply blogger" so that it puts your email address on there so I can reply via email.

    Hugs, Teresa

  10. You were most definitely spoiled!!! I'm from Pittsburgh also and I can tell you, that Sarris Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup is my FAVORITE! Those are my special treats :-)

    This swap has been so much fun!!

    Sam <3

  11. Sam,I could consider a move to Pittsburgh based on chocolate alone!


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