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Thursday, 9 June 2011

Blackcurrant Marbled Cheesecake

I think the colour 'Palette' here is beautiful.  (It would be a good design focus for spinning a Yarn).

In true 'Lucy In The Sky' fashion I find a recipe and make it my own depending on what is available in my store cupboards.  This is the recipe I devised based on the 'Blackcurrant Swirl Cheesecake' recipe from my
'Five Recipes to Make with Fresh Blackcurrants' post yesterday.

Blackcurrant Marbled Cheesecake
For the Base
300g of crushed Chocolate Digestive Biscuits
125g of melted butter
(If you have never used Chocolate Digestives for a biscuit base before Oooo, give it a try!)
For the Cheesecake Mix
450g of Curd Cheese (Lower in fat than cream cheese, see who says I am not health conscious!)
1tsp of Vanilla Essence
50g sugar
2 Beaten eggs
2 tbls of Natural Yogurt
For the Blackcurrant Puree
400g of Blackcurrants
100g of Sugar

First make the Blackcurrant Puree.  Place the blackcurrants in a saucepan and simmer gently until they are all soft and broken down.  Rub them through a metal sieve.  This is easier when they have cooled.  Stir in the sugar.
For the base mix the crushed Chocolate Digestives with the melted butter and press in to an 8 inch Flan dish.  Put it into the fridge to cool.
For the Cheescake, mix the Curd Cheese, Natural Yogurt, Sugar, Eggs and Vanilla Essence.
Place the Cheesecake mix on top of the flan base.  Drizzle the Blackcurrant Puree over the top and use a  skewer to swirl a 'Marbled' effect.

Bake the Cheesecake in the oven on Gas mark 1, (140C, 270F) for 1 hour.
Does this count as one of my five pieces of fresh fruit and vegetables a day?  Bring on the Blackcurrants.  
Thank you for all your lovely comments yesterday, I feel like I am having my own
 'Blackcurrant - Food Festival' in celebration of these little Black Juicy Gems.  You can read more about the Blackcurrant here at:
 The Blackcurrant Foundation.  Blackcurrants have climbed the ranks in scientific studies to earn the title of 'The Number One Super food'.  They contain three times more Vitamin C than an Orange and are extremely rich in disease fighting antioxidants.  They have health benefits for Cardiovascular, Aging and Brain function, Eyes and Vision, Asthma and Urinary Tract health to name but a few.  They have been grown and used by herbalists in the UK since The Middle Ages.  The British Isles produces 13,000 tonnes each year.  I think they need to be re-named, 'The Wonder Berry'.


  1. I love the marbled effect on top, looks such a yummy cake.

  2. Just read the receipe.

    Excuse silly question as I don't really cook much. But how do you make the Blackcurrent Purree?

  3. I am usually the Master of silly questions! lol I just gently simmer the Blackcurrants without any added water (Gently because they stain!) Until they are soft and 'Stewed'. Let them cool and Rub like crazy through a metal sieve. I then add the sugar and stir it in. Blackcurrants are pretty sharp tasting and need sugar. :)

  4. Delish Lucy. I fancy a go at making that!!

  5. Such a pretty dessert and looks yummy too!

  6. Oh that looks delicious!

    And your dish is lovely too - we had those plates at home when I was a alot younger than I am now!

  7. Can I use cream cheese if I can't find curd cheese??
    and is it just one tbs of yoghurt? this sounds yummy and my blackcurrants are nearly ready so I just wanted to check!!

  8. Yummy!!!

    We are cheesecake fans at my house.

    Will have to wait until I am back in the UK to buy Blackcurrant Jam as a substitute it is not sold in my grocery and don't even ask about the fruit-Blackcurrants.

  9. looks yummy and the toping is a temptation.

  10. Louise - It is easy to make and very easy to eat!

    Southerscraps - It was yummy!

    Carole - My Nan used to have Willow pattern it is my favourite. How old are you? As old as your tongue and a little bit older than your teeth! :) x

    Gill - Thank you for proof reading you can use cream cheese, curd cheese is delicious though and it is two tbls of yogurt :)

    Sandra I cannot imagine a life without blackcurrant, when I went to the USA I could not even find blackcurrant flavoured anything!

    Terrie - Thanks for your comment :)

  11. Looks delicious. I love cooking with fresh berries. Judy

  12. wow.... so delicious looking..

  13. Ohhhh... yum! Me wantie some! You are such an industrious lady!
    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  14. You know I have never even had a blackcurrant before? Looks like a tasty fruit. Your cheeseake came out so nice, I love how the crust looks. That is always my favorite part! Visiting from our "foodie" group #31DBBB

  15. Thank you for your comments I really enjoy reading them all:

    Medha - If you had come round earlier you could have had a slice :)

    NorthernNarratives - I think it is the short season of berries it makes you want to make the most of them :)

    Teresa, I am selectively industrious, this house is never short of 'Dust Bunnies' :)

    Miranda - I had never had a blueberry until a couple of years ago. :)


I appreciate and enjoy reading all of the feedback from your comments. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and sharing your thoughts. Sadly I have found it necessary to enable word verification, something I was trying to avoid...but I am receiving an unmanageable deluge of Spam! We don't want that do we? xxx :)