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Sunday, 19 June 2011

Lavender Wands: The Scent of the Summer

The Lavender in the garden is almost in full bloom, the scent is absolutely gorgeous.  It reminds me of my childhood, making lavender bags and lavender wands.  I love Lavender.  We buy Lavender oil regularly for sprinkling on pillows and bed linen, we also use it on insects bites or for minor skin complaints.  It is a fantastic plant and I consider it to be another garden harvest.
Today I made my first Lavender Wand of the year.  This is another craft that my Grandmother taught me to do.  She used to make them as a child.

You need an odd number of freshly picked lavender stems, that are dry and just before the flowers are in full bloom.  I used nine.  You also need some scissors, cotton, a needle and about a metre of ribbon.

Remove all of the leaves from the stems and bind together just under the flowers.
Carefully bend the stems over the flowers, try not to break them.
Starting of can be a little tricky but you weave your length of ribbon around the stems, going under and over.
Until you have covered the length of the flowers.  Don't worry if Lavender flowers poke through, they look pretty.
When you get to the end of the flowers bind your ribbon around and stitch it securely.  Tie a bow to the stems.  The end of ribbon you started with may stick out, just gently use the needle to tuck it in out of sight.
I will be using my 'Magic' Lavender wand to help me sleep.  I am hoping to make a few more this year too.


  1. What a gorgeous idea- thanks for sharing it

  2. That's a great idea! Love it. I will be making these with my girls asap.
    Love Tickety-boo

  3. Very pretty indeed. I'll have to try this and pop them into my fibre stash. Thanks for the tutorial:-)

  4. Beautiful idea, will def try some i love the smell of lavender, Thanks for the tutorial
    Karen :)

  5. ooh I've never heard of these before! Thanks for sharing :)

  6. Haven't made any wands for a few years, think I might go out and cut some. Thanks for the reminder Lucy.
    Hoping to go tomorrow. They do a lovely lavender scone.
    Carol xx

  7. Thank you fro your comments you must try these they are so sniffily wonderful to make...did somebody say scones?...Lavender Scones? ...I am after all 'Lucy the Queen of Scones'!

  8. I am going to make some, too! I L.O.V.E. the scent of lavender!Thanks for sharing.

  9. After you linked this again, I tried to give it a go this morning. My lavender is coming to the end of flowering and it didn't work because the stems snapped through when I bent them.
    I'll have to try again next year with some 'younger' lavender that's a bit more bendable!


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