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Friday, 4 November 2011

Still Rippling Away

I have still been working away at this ripple, I do not need the heating on when I am working on it and now it is keeping my feet warm.  The first photograph was the last time I shared it.  I am rippling whenever I can and it is highly addictive.  To the detriment of  housework and other projects!  Today I rippled in the car when I was waiting for the school bell to ring for Euan.  I am finding it quite tricky to photograph now.  I had to chase the dog off it just before I took this update:

Not a very good photograph, I know!  I think I like the colours...if I don't think too much about them.  The kids still like it and the dog loves it.   Today to my horror she was pawing it!  I don't usually have to tell her off but she refused to stop pawing it and treading on it while I was trying to work on it, so I had to do a cross 'No!'   If she ladders it or puts a whole in it I will be upset!   I made Euan a Granny Square blanket when he was five as he had some surgery on his foot and needed a wheelchair,  he was thrilled with it and had it on his lap as soon as I gave it to him.  Unfortunately he was cutting and sticking craft stuff at the table and promptly snipped a good size hole in it about five minutes after I gave it to him.   It got darned and it is still much loved and in regular use.
  Also you may remember this post These Granny Square Photographs May Cause Distress!  I hope to have more luck with the ripple and I can't wait to be using it on the sofa to watch movies at the weekend.  It is definitely a 'snuggle up with Mom blanket'.  The dog thinks so anyway.   


  1. So glad it's coming along well :) Everyone needs a snuggle blanket, even the critters.

  2. your ripple is looking stunning- I can understand your difficulty in leaving it alone!!

  3. Gorgeous ripple and the big granny too! I think I need to make hubby his own blankie as he was needing one today. Poor guy, got his first shower today since his surgery. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  4. I love the colours you use in the blankets, the darker shades are such a contrast and far more funkier than all the pastel and vintage styling so in use lately.

  5. Home made blankets keep you extra warm because of the extra layer in them. The layer of love that gets woven in with every stitch.

  6. Your blanket looks amazing and the coulours are sensational and very striking. I can't wait to see it finished :)

  7. Lovely--- as ever Lucy! Keep on rippling!

  8. I'm rippling too, only I scaled mine back and it is going to be an 18" cushion cover instead :)

    Rippling is fun!

    I love your granny square too :)

  9. Oh goodness I so want to snuggle up!

  10. I am loving your ripple, Lucy! It makes me giggle to think about all the ripples that are being hooked up right now all over the world :-) I love the giant granny square you made for Evan, I have one in my wip's but it has been ignored for quite a while, the bigger the square, the tougher it gets! Wishing you a lovely week xxxx

  11. Yikes! I've cut my own work and know the horror it induces, so I can only imagine what happens when someone else cuts it! The ripple is looking great.


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