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Thursday, 24 November 2011

'Tis the Season To crochet'

I had to whizz into the town centre today.  I never hang about.  I don't enjoy it.  We are lucky to have a large indoor shopping precinct though but the shops are so unoriginal.  Not to grumble too much though, I popped into a 'Bargain' Bookshop called 'The Works'.  There are lots of these in the UK.  I found this very cute book for an absolutely bargainous price.  Cheaper than your average magazine.  I flick through pattern books like these like they are going out of fashion!   I prefer a good pattern book to a Novel!  This really is worth a looksy.
It is choc full of ornaments:
Gift Ideas:
Greetings card ideas:
Decorative favourites:
Garments and accessories:
I want a pair!
Aren't these cute?
He has to be my favourite.  There are loads more patterns and ideas in this book.
Another seasonal cutesie I have spotted today in Blogland that I wanted to share is this sweet little Angel tree topper.
I think she is adorable.  Complete with her little crochet halo.   You can find her at  'The Smiling Robot'  She was designed by Grace.  I think she is very clever.  The pattern is available for free on Ravelry Here.
Have you found any Christmas Crochet Goodies?  


  1. Aww thank you for your lovely comments about my angel! :D

    I love the mittens too!

  2. Wow, so much to love here!!!
    Will be checking out that angel, and I adore those cards

  3. Ooh, those shelf sitters are so cute! Can't wait to see what you'll make. Thank you for the link to the angel, I will definitely give it a try! :-) x

  4. Looks like an excellent book, love the snowman, the angel is really sweet.
    Carol xx

  5. Dear Lucy, thanks for sharing those ideas! Love them! I liked the stockings a lot -- I actually designed my own stockings which I will photograph and show on my blog when I unpack my xmas decs. I also make some little stockings for the tree. Fun times, eh?
    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  6. I want a pair of those gloves too!! Must learn how to crochet.....

  7. such a cute post
    i love the penguins and the mittens :)
    the angel is adorable too and who can resist a gingerbread man?
    i have presently been ordered to rest and this gives me time (at last) to do a bit of crafting. i think i'll add the angel to my list. she would look so pretty on top of a christmas tree.

  8. I know 'The Works' are in alot of towns, but an undercover shopping centre too, close to Birmingham. Surely we are not in the same town?


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