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Thursday, 10 November 2011

'Give Away' Ta Dah - 'Lantern Scarf' by Anastacia Knits

Woohoo!  This is a cheeky little pattern from Anastacia Knits.  It has made a light but warm scarf.  I loved making this because it is not the type of scarf I would usually make.  I usually stick to the plain stuff!  It has a simple but effective repeat pattern.  It grows very quickly and was easy peasy.  I learned how to read a chart finally, thanks to this pattern.  I didn't use the written instructions and followed the chart, which made me feel very grown up.  Previously I have had a total mental block with charts but I really enjoyed this.  Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks!  I also manged to read USA crochet terms without having to use a written translation.  What a great pattern for raising my self esteem and giving me a nice smug feeling.  The yarn I used was 'Sirdar Click' Aran, which is very soft and snuggly, but the pattern is so adaptable it can be made with any yarn.

My lovely boys were willing models!
I think Henry thinks my Blog may be a good way of getting a date, he is clearly open to offers.
I think I may have trouble getting rid of him, it is a good job I love him!
Euan was also enthusiastic to get in on the act!

Anastacia has kindly offered give a copy of this pattern away as prize to one of you lovely blog readers.  All you need to do to win your copy of the 'Lantern Scarf' pattern is leave a comment below stating which one of 'Anastaciaknits' designs is your favourite.  Leave a comment by the 17th of November and I will arrange for a winner to be Randomly drawn  on the 18th November.  You would still have time to whip up a couple of these for last minute, hand made Christmas gifts!


  1. Ooh that's the exact same wool as for little miss's christmas hoodie! Looks wonderful as a scarf too.

  2. Love your scarf and your handsome models.
    I've got to make a scarf for Christmas but this will be just a teeny one - it is for GGD's teddy.
    My elbow still doesn't like me crocheting so will have to knit it.
    Finished knitting my socks (love them!) so better do my first "Ta Dah" post soon.
    Carol xx

  3. Anastacia has some great patterns - I especially like her half circle shawl

  4. actually i think you will have trouble keeping hold of your models with their fab good looks and abundant charm ✯
    you must be super duper proud of your boys. they are definitely stars ✯
    Anastacia has a beautiful website, i enjoyed having a browse over there :)
    your scarf is lovely!

  5. Look at the scarf & your sons are so cute! Thank you for hosting the giveaway ! I hope lots of peeps enter! I'm off to go share your post a few places.

  6. The scarf looks really fun! your kids look simply happy and full of love!

  7. My favorite AnastaciaKnits designs is the "Happy Shawlette".

    Now.. your Henry is so handsome he should be in the movies! And when I saw Euen - his beautiful bright blue eyes and adorable face made me just GRIN!

    Good looking men you have there, my friend!

    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  8. Love that yarn! I knotted a cable bag last year in it and it looks great.
    My, my what handsome sons, the girls will be fighting over them! I adore Henry's hair, love a man with long hair :-)

  9. Lovely yarn, lovely scarf and lovely models :)
    I wish I could crochet.......

  10. The scarf is lovely, I like the pattern and the colour, and the yarn looks very soft.
    And your boys are just too cute, handsom, smart, charming... Each of them. You can consider yourself a proud mom. Say hi to them from my part and that they have a fan in Germany :-)

  11. Beautiful scarf and handsome models! I think my favorite pattern is actually this scarf - and what a great choice of yarn!

  12. Sweet models! I like the Shells & Chains Half Circle Shawl.

  13. This a a beautiful piece. Great choice of yarn and colorway.

  14. I absolutely love all the comments regarding my models and so do they! Thank you :) x

  15. That yarn is beautiful! My favorite pattern is the Half Circle Shawl with Scalloped Border, but I'd love to try making the scarf, too...


I appreciate and enjoy reading all of the feedback from your comments. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and sharing your thoughts. Sadly I have found it necessary to enable word verification, something I was trying to avoid...but I am receiving an unmanageable deluge of Spam! We don't want that do we? xxx :)