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Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Healthy Flamin Eating Plan - Homemade Salmon Burgers

Nobody in my house liked the sound of these yet stoically everyone tried them and hey, guess what?  They enjoyed them!  Result!
2 cans of Salmon
100g of Breadcrumbs
1 Finely chopped onion
1 finely chopped red pepper
2 tablespoons of finely chopped fresh parsely
salt and pepper.

Remove all of the bones from the Salmon.
(Regular readers will be beginning to predict what is coming next!)
Plonk all the ingredients into a large bowl and mix thoroughly with clean hands.
Chill the mixture in the fridge for a couple of hours.
Shape into burgers.
Grill until Golden on each side.

I served mine with a healthy portion of broccoli and New potatoes.
Then I spoiled the healthy status a little by smothering it in homemade Parsley Sauce.  I have lots of parsley growing in the garden, it seems to be the one plant the chickens do not massacre.
I did not waste the salmon bones they are very rich in calcium, I fed them to the chickens with some crumbs of stale bread.  They scurried around like they had struck gold!  If you feed them something special they snatch it and sprint like roadrunner so it doesn't get stolen away.
I am like the Pied Piper of Chickens, I step outside and it  takes all of thirty seconds to have three feathered faces at my feet looking adoringly at me (well at my hands to see what goodies I have!)
I set myself a challenge to get a shot with all three chickens in it.  It involved running away from them and turning around quickly with the camera.  It took about eight attempts.  It is a wonder my neighbours don't call the white van to come and take me away.  It must look like I am playing some kind of 'Chicken Tag!'
Great exercise, but results in three very confused chickens!


  1. I'll admit, those burgers look good. Now way on the planet I could get Bryon to eat them though. Alas. I've never heard of parsely sauce before. It looks nice and creamy! Is is a milk/cream base? And your dear chicks are so fun! Congrats on getting them all into a picture together! It sounds like they are QUITE fond of you :D

  2. Delicious! I actually had salmon burgers last week, topped with some sauteed mushroom and onion. Granted, I got them at the store, but the at home version seems pretty easy to do. :)

  3. Oh goodness, that looks yummy nummy! When hubby and I were first married I made salmon patties with canned salmon, crunched up saltine crackers and raw egg.. and fried them in butter. I need to make some again. Warning -- dogs can die from eating Salmon bones, particularly the backbone. I almost killed a dog of ours feeding him the bones from smoked salmon.

    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  4. Mmm yeh I like the sound of those!

  5. Sounds delish! Who knew chickens would eat salmon bones?!

  6. Ooh, those burgers sound delicious and the parsley sauce is an inspired addition :P
    Your chickens look wonderful, very healthy and full of vigour :)

  7. absolutely delicious thanks for the recipe Lucy, I only know how to cook fish the Indian way so will definitely be trying these out, they really do look and sound mouthwateringly good :)

    Great chicken run and photo LOL

    Helen xx

  8. You paint a great picture of the chicken tag! Those salmon burgers look lovely, got my mouth watering now!


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