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Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Smiley 'In The Sky' - 50 000 Hits 'Give Away'

Wow!  My last celebratory 'Give Away' was 20 000 page views.  I decided I would have another when I reached 50 000.  I woke up today and had exceeded that 'Magic' Number.   It seemed a long long way off.  I am amazed in under twelve months (my First Years Blogiversary is at the end of January) this blog has clocked up so many page views.  I am very grateful to all my followers who continue to pop back to share my madness.  Cheers!  I love each and every comment that you leave.  My obsession with my 'Flag counter' continues and I am over the moon to say I have had visitors from 112 different countries, not forgetting the visitor from the mysterious 'Unknown Satellite'.

What a lovely 'Festive' time to have a 'Give Away' Celebration.  It is only fitting to have a Christmassy Craft theme.  I have a copy of 'Tis the Season to Crochet' ' to Give Away.  The winner will be drawn by Random Number Generator on Thursday 8th December (I will post the prize out ASAP).  All entries must be in by Wednesday 7th December.  All you need to do to enter is leave a comment on this post :) 


  1. Congratulations to your 50000 views, how amazing! And what a great give away!

  2. wow...that's a huuumungous following! including little green (i like to think they are green) other planetary people. my heartiest congratulations! :)
    oh and please write my name on a piece of paper to go in the hat because i do love those penguins :)

    50000 hugs


  3. I love those penguins too, enough to venture into crochet if I win!

  4. Now I am intrigued with your mysterious visitor from Unknowm Satellite, lol :D I would love to be included in the Give-Away, please count me in! :-) x

  5. Wow thats an impressive number! I'd love to be included! I do visit regularly but rarely get chance to comment at the moment.
    I wonder who was visiting from the unknown sattelite!

  6. 50k hits is totally awesome! I must look into getting hold of a copy of this book as my teenage niece has Aspergers and is COMPLETELY obsessed with penguins, and I've been meaning to find a decent crochet pattern to make her some!

  7. Congrats on the 50 000!! Thats amazing, hopefully one day my blog will have that many. Love the book, I saw it in the Works the other week, but was in a rush so didnt pick it up!!xx

  8. Congratulations! What a great, generous giveaway! Have enjoyed your blog since day 1! (((hugs))) ♥

  9. Congrats! You write a nice blog and are very generous in giving away the book. Hope you have a nice holiday season and a great new year!

  10. Wow, what a milestone - Congratulations! And how very generous of you to give away such a great prize. I've been looking at this book, so it's super to get the chance to win it. Thanks for the great blog, I pop in regularly - and thanks for the chance to win!

  11. Congratulations on 50,000 views. I must really post on mine a bit more!

  12. Great news 50,000 views, Amazing
    you are obviously doing everything right.
    Just love to win this book. Been on my wantes list for ages.

  13. Wow, such a large number so quickly! Very impressive :) I'd love to have a Christmasy crochet book to add to my meager collection. I have to start somewhere!

  14. Wow, well done on the views! :-)

    From glycosidic on ravelry

  15. Congratulations --- So well deserved,
    your blog is brilliant.

  16. Congratulations on reaching the magic 50k page views! It's an impressive feat!

    Good luck to everyone :) xx

  17. I really enjoyr reading your blog. Congrats on the milestone!

  18. Congratulations Lucy, I always enjoy visiting your blog. Love the book, the penguins are so cute, have you seen the naughty Penguin on the BBC ad? He pinches stones from another penguin.
    Dont forget to enter my giveaway
    Carol xx

  19. Congratulations on 50,000 views but I'm most impressed by 112 countries!!!
    Great giveaway - count me in please!

  20. please cross out my name and put Mr.Jones in twice :)

    this is for Mrs. Jones's niece. my daughter and i have autism and we love this series. i hopefully there are more episodes to be found on you-tube. we have them on dvd but i think they have become a little scarce to find now.
    i also have a friend with ayoung austistic son who is obsessed with penquins, i wonder what it is with them?

  21. Lovely post and so generous good luck and I will add you to my list of people I follow

  22. Congrats, Lucy!!
    Wishing you many more such happy occassions. :)

  23. Congratulations to you and thank you for the chance to win this lovely book.I seen you talking about it and I immediately wanted it =o)

  24. Comment comment comment comment.. do I get 4 tries? LOL! :-) Your country count has surpassed mine, at 105! But I don't have alien friends like you do. :-)
    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  25. itssewnice/Kathie30 November 2011 at 19:44

    Ohhhh...I love the little Penguins and your projects. I would gladly pay for this book if I don't win that bookstore and reserve all copies of it!


  26. Congratulations on 50,000 views! I'm getting close as well. The book looks like it would be full of fun things I could make for my kids & my friend's as well. My son loves penguins! :-)

  27. Congrats! :D (BayouGramma)

  28. Wow - congratulations! That's an awesome milestone. ;)

    Love the look of the book too - who can resist a penguin!

  29. Congratulations on 50,000 views. Not bad going at all for less than a year! As a newbie to your blog, I can see why it is so popular, lots of interesting things going on.

  30. Pick me, pick me, pick me, jumping up and down over here....crochet hook held high...I love those penguins. So adorable. Congrats on such a huge following...and how cool that you have an "Unknown Satellite" follower....see crochet is so cool, it's beyond the world now, it's moved out into the galaxy. :)

  31. Congratulations on the 50,000 milestone! That is awesome! :)


  32. Delurking in honour of your fabulous achievement and the chance to win something! Well done! Lovely blog, great reading....maybe your satellite viewer is on the international space station?

  33. Oh! congratulations!!! that was fast and it's a big number!!! here's for the next 50 000!!!

  34. Congratulations my lovely! 50,000 wowzers!! Here's to the next 50,000.

  35. Wow, congratulations Lucy on a great and sucessful nearly-year of blogging. I love reading about your chickens and garden/allotment!

    Please do count me inn the draw to win your cuuuute penguin book :)

  36. What a generous giveaway! Happy blogaversary - and you can add another follow to that list, so glad I found your blog!

  37. Lovely blog and congratulations xxoo

  38. Congratulations! 50,000 hits is very impressive.

  39. Congrats! Love your blog! I see that book has a penguin on it. It is a well known fact that I have a house penguin named Rutherford. Rutherford J. Guin. That is your fun fact for the day.

  40. Well done on the page views!!! Oo a giveaway, I see I have stiff competition with all these entries but if I don't enter I can't win so count me in :-)

    Lori xx

  41. Congratulations on the 50,000 milestone! That amazing :-) I am not surprised your blog is so intersting, colourful and has such lovely photos, keep up the good work :-)

    Whats your next target?

    Ginnie, Alpacas and Naughty BG's lol xxx


I appreciate and enjoy reading all of the feedback from your comments. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and sharing your thoughts. Sadly I have found it necessary to enable word verification, something I was trying to avoid...but I am receiving an unmanageable deluge of Spam! We don't want that do we? xxx :)