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Friday, 2 December 2011

I Have Been Busy Making....Three Small Gift Ideas

This is my first attempt at crocheting an 'Apple jacket'.  It is not quite right, but it does the job.  I may actually start to take an apple to work now it can be fully accessorized in crochet loveliness.  I am a sucker for pretty packaging.  I also do not fancy an apple that has rolled around in the bottom of my work bag for a few hours.  On my diet Healthy Eating Plan I really should be eating more fruit...these little 'Apple jackets' work because I have just eaten the model in this photograph and it was pretty delicious.  I am sure it tasted better for being kept in a crochet wrapper.  You can find the 'Free' pattern for 'Apple Jackets' Here.  I want to make a whole fruit bowl full now.  If anyone has a pattern for a 'Banana Jacket' please let me know!
As you know we are all 'Tea Bellies' in this house but we don't like it cold!  It takes no time at all to make one of this for your favourite mug.  The pattern is one of a pair of 'Mug Cosies' I designed and is available Here.  The Crochet rib pattern is particularly useful as it is so elastic it clings well to the mug.
I saw one of these Jolly Little Goody Bags over at The Smiling Robot Blog.  I thought these look cute for carrying fruit or snacks to work too.  I particularly enjoyed making the curly chord for this, I have admired these Twirls over at Chalky's World for a while now, but never tried one.  I needed to adapt the 'pattern' maybe because of my tension.  I made a chain for the required length and then worked three trebles into each chain...hey if by magic...Curly Twirly.
These three projects are super quick to make and would be perfect as little gifts or stocking fillers.  Who would not love a present wrapped in a 'Festive Jolly Little Goody Bag'?
I have also been making these:
Cinnamon Rolls
I put them to rise tucked away in the oven over night.  Then when I got up this morning I just had to turn the oven on.

The boys enjoyed them warm for breakfast, it made a good start to a frosty day.  The house was filled with a delicious spicy aroma...  I have talked about Cinnamon Rolls before Here and you can follow the link for the recipe.  I just used a soft white bread dough, sweetened with a tablespoon of sugar and the filling was simply Cinnamon and brown sugar.  MMMmmmm!


  1. Mmmmm cinnamon rolls, they look lovely. Better than 'did she or didn't she muesli' would have done!
    What a good idea to put different colour around the top of the apple cosy, when I worked I took an apple every day and I know I'd have used my cosy too.
    For a banana cosy - well I'd just cast on a chain of say 20 in chunky/aran wool, then work double crochets for about ten rows (just fold it round a banana to check it fits) then join top to bottom and one end, make a loop as for the apple cosy add small button - you should have a snug banana. Perhaps when you join the end you could do so with running stitch and gather it.
    I've made mug cosies too as I'm a tea belly. The bag looks lovely I shall have a look at that pattern.
    Carol xx

  2. Lovely work. My apples def need jackets as I keep them in the fridge. They complain bitterly about the cold.

  3. Om nom nom....cinnamon rolls (does Homer Simpson style dribbling...) they look lovely ;P
    I love the apple jacket and the mug hug....lovely :)

  4. Your makes are lovely and thank you so much for popping the link to Chalky's World for the twirlies!
    I hope you try the banana pattern and it works out really well.
    Kindest Regards Linda

  5. Busy busy, you are! I read your apple jacket writings to hubby and he was properly "man-horrified".. lol! I just cracked up. You're so funny! I love your cinnamon rolls.. my mom was famous for hers. I remember she wouldn't let us open our gifts on Christmas morning until after baking some for our breakfast. We began to resent those rolls for taking so long! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)


I appreciate and enjoy reading all of the feedback from your comments. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and sharing your thoughts. Sadly I have found it necessary to enable word verification, something I was trying to avoid...but I am receiving an unmanageable deluge of Spam! We don't want that do we? xxx :)