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Monday, 1 August 2011

One Potato, two potato, three potato, four!

They have arrived!  The spuds are here.  I dug two baskets of these beauties out with my bare hands last week.  I invited my parents to lunch, for a Baked Potato ceremony.  This variety of spud is rather aptly called 'Red Rooster'.   I took some camping, wrapped them in foil and cooked them on the campfire.  I even packed butter and salt.  With sausages they were delicious, mind you everything tastes delicious when your camping, it sure does make you hungry.  My friend is coming to lunch today, for a 'Jacket Potato'.  She is a gardener too and we often exchange produce or plants, so I look forward to her visits.  Her husband's marmalade is usually exchanged for a jar of my Raspberry Jam.
I am going to make a Potato Curry again 'Medha style'.  I loved each one of 'Mimi's Mommy's'  potato recipes.

Mimi's Mommy - Authentic Indian recipes with the Versatile Potato

My attempts at Medha's recipes

I love the humble spud!  Do you have any favourite potato recipes?


  1. Hi Lucy...
    That's a good crop I see. Have fun cooking the potatoes. Thank you so much for mentioning my blog on your post. I'm honoured, really! :)

    When you make the 'jacket potato',pls post the recipe. I've been intrigued by this recipe and would love to try it sometime...

    Thanks again.

  2. Wow, that is a good crop of tatties! My fave tattie recipes are cheese, onion and tattie pie, cheese and tattie patties and panhagglety :) xxx

  3. There is nothing like freshly dug potatoes! The magic of gardening!

  4. Wonderful spuds love!! I will be making dauphinoise potatoes to take for our first night on hols. Totally calorific but tasty. There is nothing to beat the jackety spud however especially done in the coals.Yum.

  5. I think if I had only one food for the rest of my life I'd pick the potato. I love potato soup, fried potatoes, baked potatoes, french fried, etc etc. My mom used to make "creamed new potatoes and green peas" and they were yummmmmmmmers. She'd boil the potatoes and peas just till done and make a cream sauce with butter flour and milk, salt & pepper to taste. ::sigh:: yum.
    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  6. Lovely looking spuds!!
    Fav spud recipe is Paysanne Salad: some cooked penne pasta, a couple of sliced hard boiled eggs, some French beans and sliced cooked potatoes all smothered in a really punchy thick garlic vinaigrette - served hot or cold.....yum x x x


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