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Monday, 15 August 2011

Celebratory 'Give Away'

I am giving away one copy of this book by Frida Ponten.  To celebrate finally reaching 100 followers.  (Hooray!)  I think it is a lovely book for beginners and more experienced crocheters alike.  I just love the title too.

I am sure if you like to crochet you will find this book a real treat.  I know the majority of my followers crochet.  If you are one of those 'strange sorts' and you don't crochet I will arrange a good old 'In The Sky' 'Tea and Biscuit' parcel for you.  If you can't find a home for 'Crochet For the Fun of It' or 'Tea and Biscuits' then you better not enter.
          I know lots of people are off on their Jollies and away from the Internet!  So the closing date for this 'Give Away' will be Midnight 3.9.11. (Edit to say 3rd September 2011 to avoid any across the pond confusion :)  The day I return from my 'Glamping' trip to Cornwall.  All you need to do to enter is leave me a comment on this post and let me know if you are a 'Crochet For The Fun Of It' kind of person or a 'Tea and Biscuit' kind of person.   Thank you all very much for reading.  I hope you are all having a good Summer.  


  1. I am such a crochet for the fun of it kind of person :) I make any pattern I like, no matter if I actually have use for it or not, I just wanna crochet!

  2. I'm a crochet for the fun of it kind of girl too! I'm always on the lookout for fun projects to do. I started crocheting just after christmas just gone and already have a house full of crocheted bunting, 'Lucy birds' and cushions/ well as having enough ornaments to decorate my christmas tree this year *blush* Am loving keeping up to date with you on here xx

  3. Wow,this is so lovely and generous of you,count me in,please.I am always if not with my hook than on the net searching for new patterns and enjoining lovely projects in the blogland.

  4. I am really really this kind of book! I'm glad to "find" you and I'll have to order this book if I don't win it as it looks very cool!

  5. I'm totally in, the projects look so fab! Super good giveaway.

  6. I just found your blog from the 'We love Lucy' group on Ravelry, and it looks like I'm in for a treat - I love colourful crochet blogs!

    I'd love to be in for a chance to win the book - it looks fab!

    Please count me in...

  7. Definatly crochet for the fun of it! and it's cheaper than a therapist!!

  8. Crochet for the fun of it! Gotta keep my hands busy or they pick up food tidbits which I put in my mouth!

  9. I'm still trying to learn crochet at the moment, but I definitely want to be able to do it for the fun of it! It's not fun just yet, mainly because I don't know what I'm doing, but it's getting there ;)

  10. Congrats on reaching 100! I know you've been anticipating it for a while now :) I would love to get my hands on that book up there! Heaven knows one can never have enough ideas and patterns to hook up!

  11. Definitely a 'crochet for the fun of it' gal with maybe a coffee on the side!!

  12. well I am defenetly a Crochet For The Fun Of It' kind of person. However I always enjoy tea and biscuts!!!

    sophia.komninou at

  13. Do I really have to pick between the two? I am definitely both, sometimes at the same time!! Congrats on reaching a great milestone, have a great 'glamping' trip!! And thanks for an awesome give-a-way!!!

    MissHSoo on Rav

  14. Definitely a 'crochet for fun' type of girl. Thank you for offering the prize, it looks like a lovely book :)

  15. its all about fun! Congrats on 100!
    sarah322 at yahoodotcom

  16. What a lovely giveaway. Are you taking international entries? I've been crocheting for many years. Mostly small stuff like snowflakes and bookmarks but now I'm starting on a granny square blanket.

  17. Nice book and I thank you for all your blog sharing! :D BayouGramma/Bobbi

  18. I'm a crochet girl, and if I win, you can hand deliver at spinners and dyers, love your blog. Px

  19. Congrats on the 100 followers! I've not been reading for a while - naughty me has been too busy to read people's blogs lately.

    I actually came to look for yurt piccies but I found your lovley giveaway. I'm a tea and biccie girl if you can count me in.

    Glamping sonds loads of fun! Do you get a proper bed like the bloke on the news was showing t'other day? Have a lovely holiday :)

  20. Congratulations on your 100 followers, that's a mighty fine number Lucy!

    I am most definitely a crochet person, although also very partial to tea and biccies! I can stock myself up on the latter however :-)

    Nicole x

  21. What a lovely giveaway! I saw you on FB and thought I'd check out your blog. I love it! Oh and I'm definitely a "crochet for the fun of it" kind of girl.

  22. Congratulations on 100 followrs. I am also a crochet for the fun kind of girl. I sometimes pick up a yarn, a hook and just crochet without a plan :)

  23. I am sooooo a crochet for fun person :)

  24. I found you!!! Blimey how long has that taken? I'd like to personally thank you for offering to help me it means the world to me and i'm sooo happy i finally found your blog :) congratulation's on your followers would have reached it a little sooner if i had used my noggin oh dear much love Amanda xxx
    Enjoy your Holiday i love Cornwall, :)

  25. Congrats!!! Definitely crochet for the fun, especially as their is a baby section :-)

  26. Neat site.
    Thank you for taking the time to share with us all!

  27. Crochet on the go girl here too! Just learning crochet now- I still get a bit confused and try to knit my fingers : }

  28. Hehe, I've been stuck in the 90's forever, maybe I should twist a few arms too. Although the 400th post giveaway isn't working for me as I have only TWO entries - feel very unloved :(

  29. What a beautiful blog and a giveaway what can be more perfect.

    Susanna x

  30. Congratulations Lucy! 100 followers IS a BIG number.
    Way to go!!!

    I'm a crochet freak all the way.. u know that. :D

  31. Crochet for me! Lovely giveaway Lucy and well done on 100 followers :)

  32. Crochet for fun definitely!!!!!I dont mind a cup of tea on the side though!!!

  33. What a lovely giveaway, I love books, crochet books especially, and this one looks lovely. Found your blog via Ravelry, love all the inspiration there and on everyone's blogs. There are some seriously talented people out there!

    Cromad on Ravelry

  34. You are so generous! I am absolutely a crochet for fun person but I DO like tea and biscuits.

  35. Thanks for directing us from Ravelry to your great blog ....I am definitely a person who crochets for fun and would love to be entered into your 'giveaway'.

  36. You deserve all those followers!! your blog is charming and I enjoy so much reading it!!!
    I'd love to have that book! I'm in for the giveaway!

  37. It is lovely to come across your blog and become a follower, you are now well over 100 and deserve it.

    I am kinding crochet more and more rewarding and would love to be included in your giveaway.

  38. Happy to be one of your 100 blog friends! I’ve loved your blog from the first time I came here. It is so nice of you to have a celebration of this event! And yes, I am a crochet person, too, that was my first “wool-love”*, then got neglected for knitting but lately I see so beautiful designs and my to-crochet-list grows day by day. This beautiful book would help a lot here:)
    *As a kid, I think it must have been even pre-teen, I used to crochet doll- and teddy-clothes because I didn’t have to think about shaping beforehand or need a swatch because I could just go as I went on…

  39. Congratulations! And that book looks awesome, I hadn't seen it before, I'd love to win it.

  40. I love the colourful layout of your blog, and it feels so 'homey'
    Crocheting is a new skill to me but I work with a group of African village women who would LOVE the inspirational projects in a crochet book.

  41. 100 followers is no mean feat! Congrats. Thank you for giving us all the chance to comment for the super book. I am a lapsed crocheter returning to the fold, and so have forsaken the tea and bikkies!!

  42. thanks so much for the opportunity to win this great book. i'm definitely a crochet for the fun of it kind of girl. loooooovvveee to crochet just because!

  43. Crochet for the fun of it - absolutely, though it is becoming addictive- I am new to crocheting and following your blog but love it...thankyou for sharing.

  44. Always Crocheting for the fun of it. I can't seem to stop!

  45. I am a crochet for the fun of it kind o' person. The book, and your projects look wonderful!

  46. I'm a crochet for the fun of it kind of person! You can never have too much fun!

  47. Congrats on getting 100, am not surprised you blog is brilliant. And crochet is definately for fun :) xx

  48. I'm definitely a crochet for the fun of it kind of gal!

  49. I'm a crochet for the fun of it kind of girl

  50. I've got the hooks, just need the book so I can 'crochet for the fun of it'.
    As for your blog, 'Congratulations' on your follower 'one hunder-it'!

    Ha Ha! Not a very good rhyme - but the sentiment is there :o) x x x

    Bright Blessings, Lorraine Webb x x x

  51. First of all congrats on having 100 followers!
    Secondly I loved reading about your yurt holiday :) sadly my hubby will not camp. I have 4 boys and I just know they would love it!
    I am a 'crochet for the fun of it' person ;)
    Charlotte x

  52. Found you through the ravelry we love lucy forum, count me in! Nice blog!

  53. I just found your blog and I love it! I taught myself crochet many years ago and it is my go to craft for relaxation. I also just retired 3 days ago so blogs reading and crochet are in my future. Keep on blogging!!!!!

  54. I love to crochet ever since Lucy has been a true inspiration. I am working on her pattern of the baby ripple blanket. I am almost finished. I cant wait to send her a picture. I would love this book to spark some more creative juices!

  55. I crochet and knit too. I love your blog and often pop in, glad I popped by before midnight!

  56. I recently found your blog and am enjoying! And I can crochet - having a pattern book would be great!

  57. I guess I'm too late to win :( Only just spotted the link to your blog on Ravelry. It's great to read more about crochet and this book looks great fun. Well done!


I appreciate and enjoy reading all of the feedback from your comments. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and sharing your thoughts. Sadly I have found it necessary to enable word verification, something I was trying to avoid...but I am receiving an unmanageable deluge of Spam! We don't want that do we? xxx :)