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Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Yummy Yurt Day

I am afraid this is my only photograph from Yummy Yurt Day.  My new friend Tom has used my trolley to trudge my Kiwi Spinning wheel up a woody uphill path.  Yurt day was a fantastic success, I was too busy to take pictures and when I wasn't busy it kind of felt inappropriate to take pictures as people were all happy and relaxed, chatting away and doing their own thing.  I contemplated photographs and getting people to pose, but I really didn't want to make anyone uncomfortable or stop the flow of chat and craft that was happening.  ( There are more photographs that have been posted in The Yummy Yurt Day thread in the Yummy Yarns UK Group, after looking at the ones of me today I have started to 'Diet'!!!)   Some Yurt folk were knitting, others were working on crochet.  I was fascinated by crocheted 'Plarn',  plastic yarn made from carrier bags.  It made a very strong durable bag.  Others were spindling and there were three wheels.  Two of which were mine!  Yes I have a guilty confession, I have been unfaithful to my little Kiwi.  I bought an Ashford 'Joy', second hand for a very good price a couple of months ago.  It has been hidden away!  I did sell some old jewelry that I did not wear to fund the extravagance though.
Here she is folded up and not in use.  I think she is lovely.  I used her for the first time on Yurt Day.  I had been saving some fibre that I received in a Yummy Yarns Easter swap package, from my lovely swap partner Fran, who I had the pleasure of meeting for the first time in the Yummy Yurt.
I don't know if it was the fibre, the wheel, the setting or the company, but I had a lovely spin.
My new friend Tom is having his 9th Birthday today and he had been really looking forward to 'Yummy Yurt Day'.  He is very enthusiastic about learning to spin.  It was my pleasure to provide him with a spindle and some fibre of his own.  He is a little star and stuck at spindling for about an hour.  It is not an easy skill to master.  He was very excited about having a go on a wheel, so the deal was struck, he could use my Kiwi if he could get it up the hill to the Yurt.  Bless him, he was a super star.  He really had me laughing, such a friendly, polite boy.  We sat next to each other spinning away.  First he practiced treadling, getting an even speed and changing the direction of the wheel.  Then he used some yarn to practice treadling it evenly onto the bobbin.  He did get into a few 'pickles' and tangles but I left him to it, to sort himself out.  After I had left he had a go spinning fibre on another wheel.  I think the last I heard he was looking at wheels on ebay!  Watch this space...He has a deal with his Mom, he will spin the yarn and she will knit it.
I had to buy a momento of the day and this fibre will be a real treat to work with.
It was great to meet new like minded people and to meet Ravelry friends in person.  We had a lovely relaxed day, including a Yummy Yurt Lunch.  We all loved our Woodland Yurt setting, it is a shame the weather prevented us from running around and playing hobbits!  I think we have started a pressure group to have another Yurt Day in the future.  It has made me quite excited about my 'Glamping' holiday in just under two weeks.  I will be staying in a Mongolian Yurt for a week!!  I hope I survive to tell the tale.
This is the Yurt I will be stopping in.
My parents are coming with me, my boys and the dog!  We will also pitch a big tent.  We are sure to have fun as it is a couple of miles from the Cornish coast and we might have some time for running around and playing hobbits!


  1. It was a lovely day, and the spun fibre looks good. I agree we must have another. So I will just say see you again soon. XXX

  2. It was a lovely day, I'm so thrilled everyone seem to enjoy it so much.

    I'm getting messages asking for another Yurt Day, it's looks as if we will be talking when rather than if lol

    Thanks everyone for making it "such fun".(Miranda's mother's voice)

  3. Oh my! It looks like you all had a lovely time! What a treat to meet with like-minded people and enjoy a day of fiber fun :) I'm very impressed that Tom was so determined to be a spinner! All the more power to him for being a young boy fascinated by such a hobby! I hope he continues to learn and grow in his craft. Those rovings look stunning! Such beautiful color combinations! I'd love to see what your momento looks like when it's spun up! Such vibrancy!
    The yurt for your glamping trip looks fantastic too! You'll have a blast, I'm sure :) I'd love to stay in a place like that for even a weekend get-away, much less a whole week! I'm sure you'll survive and bring back lovely stories and pictures for all of us.
    Have fun with your new "toys"!

  4. Lovely fibre, what colours! Tom sounds a great lad, perfect friend.
    Yurt holiday looks like fun, my neighbour's daughter has set up a Yurt site (not in the garden!), that looks very plush too.
    Carol xx

  5. I would love to be able to spin and I would also love to stay in a yurt, so I'd really like to be you right now :-D Thanks for sharing your weekend, it's cool stuff!

  6. wow, what an amazing day that looks to have been!!!
    And I am super envious of your Mongolian yurt, that looks incredible- I hope you have an awesome time camping in it!!

  7. Looks like you had a lot of fun! Your spun yarn looked absolutely gorgeous :)
    I am jealous of your yurt that you are "glamping" looks amazing! Much better than a normal tent :)
    Which part of Cornwall are you going to be in?


I appreciate and enjoy reading all of the feedback from your comments. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and sharing your thoughts. Sadly I have found it necessary to enable word verification, something I was trying to avoid...but I am receiving an unmanageable deluge of Spam! We don't want that do we? xxx :)