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Wednesday, 24 August 2011

A 'Real' Alpaca Adventure

I was so excited this morning, today I had arranged to go out into the 'Wilds of Worcestershire' to visit Cotswold Vale Alpacas 'Farm'.  What beautiful weather we had too.  You can see how parched the grass is, we have had a  very dry spell in this county.
We were made very welcome on the farm by Ginnie, who breeds Alpacas, spins, knits and felts with their gorgeous fleece.
  I have never been close up and personal with an Alpaca, they look adorable, unfortunately for me they are not up for hugs and cuddles but they do get close and show an interest in people.  Ginnie currently has thirty eight Alpaca with one more expected any day soon.  These were all the girls of various ages.  The array of natural colours is stunning.  There are Huacaya and Suri Alpaca, the Suri Alpaca having the longer fleeces and the Huacaya having a fluffier fleece.
I was surrounded by Alpaca.  They are adorable and have such a gentle none threatening nature.  They have such kind faces and they even look like they have a sweet smile.  I am quite nervous around horses, cows and large animals, but I felt fine surrounded by Alpaca.
Some of the babies were still suckling from their newly sheared Mums.
All babies are so cute aren't they?
I loved the way they were happy to chillax with us close by.  I couldn't help looking and seeing gorgeous knitted stripes of natural colour.  Since I have been spinning, I look at animals and see yarn!
Euan is a farmer in the making, with his 'Goat Farm' training this year and today feeding Alpaca.  He had a very hands on experience and really enjoyed himself.  He is very confident around all these different animals.  He is feeding 'Ace' here, Ace is a two year old Huacaya male.
This is another male, his name is Ewen.  Ewen has a fantastic fleece and he is a stud male.
Here is Euan feeding Ewen.
Mom and I have gone halves on Ace's fleece.  Boy oh boy, it is going to be a treat to spin with.  I can feel a luxurious shawl on my shoulders already, born and raised 'Worcestershire Alpaca'.
My apologies for the poor quality photograph, but I wanted to show you, Ginnie spins and sells her own Alpaca yarn.
She also knits these gorgeous bags and felts them into a very strong fabric, oooh I don't know how I resisted one of these!
They are sold with a label including a photograph of the animal that the fleece came from.  How cool is that!
Ooooh!  I don't know how I resisted one of these either!  A scrumptious litter of three week old kittens and we did get a cuddle.
This is the last photograph, it's Ronnie and Roxy, the pygmy goats!  These are little bundles of fun too.  I could definitely make room in my back garden.  What a brilliant Alpaca Adventure.   It was very educational and we had great fun.  I have some beautiful Alpaca fleece to enjoy.   I am off to work on a business plan!  I need a career change.  Euan would be a brilliant 'Farm Manager'.  I will definitely go back to the farm, I have asked Ginnie to let me know when the 'Australian Shearers' are in town!  Wink, wink!


  1. Lucy, what a brilliant account of your visit to us, and I love the photos. Your blog is brilliant.

    It was really nice to meet you all and I am sure we will meet up again soon.


  2. love your alpaca photos and how great to buy your own fleece if we are ever in the area its a must to visit

  3. How lovely! Such fun animals and so pretty! I think you might need that career change ;) Those little ones were absolutely darling! You just want to hug them right up! This post just made me smile from ear to ear. Thanks for brightening my dull day!

  4. I super enjoyed going with you to the alpaca farm. Those people obviously do a wonderful job taking care of their animals and their property. I've wanted some alpaca for years and years as I love their small size and soft fleece/hair/wool or whatever it's called.

    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  5. Ooooh! Aren't they cute, and I want a bag! I'm going on line right now to see if I can order one!!!

  6. Fascinating and adorable. There are many Llama farmers around here and Thomas has been trekking with them. I always get them mixed up.

  7. Awwww, how cute are those alpacas!! It looks ike you had a really great time, and I don't blame you one bit for succumbing to the lure of the fleece :)
    Can't believe how dry the land you want some of our rain?

  8. The best kind of day! Thanks for sharing x

  9. I'm glad my 20 year old daughter isn't here to see the kittens, she would be at me again to get one, we already have a cat who would NOT like another one in the house.
    Loved your Glastonbury post as I love all things King Arthur, Merlin etc, thank you for all the lovely photo's.
    x Sandi


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