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Tuesday, 21 August 2012

The Angel's of Crochet have been...Again!

Sometimes you just have to love 'cyberspace' and all it's little synchronicities.  I read this post here by Carol at Smile at the Flowers.  The Simply Crochet Magazine looked great and it had a page about Lucy at 'Attic 24'.  Lucy is a bit of crochet guru!  Well this magazine was proving to be elusive.  They sold like 'Hot Cakes'.  Even online there were no back copies available and it had completely sold out at the beginning of the Summer.  Carol left a comment on my blog wishing me luck finding a copy 'as they were like Hen's teeth to find'.  I have never found a Hen's tooth so I had given up.
        Last week I also read Linda's post 'A Day of Doorbell Ringing' over at 'Chalky's World' and I could relate to the excitement of the postie arriving with goodies.  I felt a little deflated though as I was expecting no goodies at all!  In fact I have been trying to sell stuff rather than order stuff, so I have been selling on Ebay for the first time.  Phew what a palaver it all seems to be.  Parceling up packages to send to other people is not nearly as exciting as receiving them.
          Yesterday the Postie arrived with a large envelope, I initially thought 'nope not for me'.  Then I thought  'It must be work related bumf or boring stuff'.  Well. . .The Angels of Crochet have been again!  Yippeee.  They arrived courtesy of my cyber buddy 'Wiggles, aka Julia' of 'Wigglesbears by Julia'.

Here is an example of one of  'Wigglesbears'
Cute eh?
I know many of you know Julia in 'Cyberspace' and without going into personal detail it is suffice to say she is an inspirational lady.  I think she an incredibly brave lady who has remained remarkably creative and positive in the face of extreme 'health' adversity.  I wish Julia well with her 'Crafty Business', I think she deserves the very best.
Do pop over and take a look at her website.  She makes beautiful handmade bears, animals and toys.  If you are looking for a unique, handmade gift for a 'special someone' you may just find what you are after over at Julia's.  She will be happy to discuss 'made to order gifts' to your specifications too.  You never can be too organised for December 25th!!!   I also thing it is brilliant to support each other in our crafts and 'Handmade' says so much more than 'mass produced'.  I have had some ridiculously cute 'Sock Monkey's' for my cousin's girls for Christmas last year.  They were very hard to pass on!
Here is an example of one of 'Wiggle's Sock Monkeys'
Who wouldn't want one of these?
             If you read yesterday's post you will understand I had a weekend of mixed fortunes and was feeling a bit down and stressed.  This surprise package really lifted my spirits!  I couldn't believe my luck.  Just what I wanted.  I did enjoy browsing the magazine at bedtime last night.  A big 'Thank you' to Julia...whose timing and kindness were spot on!


  1. I love packages! Yay! Let us hope you have a better week than last. XOXO

  2. Hi Lucy, oh how lovely and how generous. Soooooooooooo pleased you got the magazine. I had kept looking myself in case there were some out there but none could I find. Well done Julia!
    That is a very cute monkey.........whenever I'm buying something DH asks "does it pass the monkey test?. Why does he say this? Well you might remember a few years ago a certain brand of tea was giving free monkeys with each box of teabags. I was getting one and was taking some time over selecting a box, so DH said "what ARE you doing?". My obvious response "Looking for a good looking one...................."
    love Carol xx

  3. Aw, your post made me smile! What a lovely thing to have happen to you :)......right I'm off to check out some sock monkeys x x x

  4. I'm so glad you got a little something to cheer you up after all of the chaos :) Packages really are little miracles. Those toys are darling! My goal is to do all homemade (by someone, not necessarily me!) gifts for Christmas this year. Maybe I should pay a visit to Julia...

  5. oh my gosh
    thats twice in last five minutes, you are one lucky lady, i will visit Julia's blog now, love the teddy,
    thanks also for comment on my blog i really do apreciate it

  6. Well done, Julia!!! I am happy for you, Lucy, and thanks for the introduction to Julia. I will go visit her :)
    Gracie xxx

  7. Ummmm just about perfect and what a lovely thought> It must be in the air methinks. I hope things have settled down in your little corner of Blogland
    Love Linda

  8. How nice of Julia! But, Lucy.. you are so sweet and fun people love to give you things. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  9. Ahhh I love surprises and that is the best one! Here sock bear is so freaking cute! Have fun with your goodies :)

  10. I’ve been nominated for the One Lovely Blog award and I am now asked to pass it on. I want to pass it on to you because I think your blog is really Lovely! If you’d like to accept this award then please take it to your blog and pass it on – if this is not your thing then please accept this as a compliment on your blog.


I appreciate and enjoy reading all of the feedback from your comments. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and sharing your thoughts. Sadly I have found it necessary to enable word verification, something I was trying to avoid...but I am receiving an unmanageable deluge of Spam! We don't want that do we? xxx :)