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Monday, 6 August 2012

I Wanna Jam it Wid You

It is that time of year again already.  I love it.  This year so far I have made:
Three Jars of Apricot Jam.  This is my first time making Apricot Jam.  I no longer weigh or measure anything when I make preserves.  I had a lovely large punnet of fresh apricots and realised in this weather we were never going to eat them before the humid weather got to them.  I chopped and de-stoned the apricots.  I covered the bottom of the pan with water and stewed the fruit until it was soft.  Then I added the same amount of sugar as there was fruit and boiled it all up 'until' it looked right!  I do a spoon test, where I twizzle the spoon and let the jam drip off.  If the jam forms a globule before it drops then I think the set will be good.   This Apricot Jam is delicious and has a good set.  With some freshly made bread it is deliciously naughty!
Then I made two jars of Strawberry Jam for the same reason, fruit does not like to keep in this humid weather and it is sad to see it go in the compost bin.  I used the same method and made some delicious 'Strawberry Sauce'!  Doh it did not quite set, I think I may have over boiled it.  I always use up Jammy mistakes somehow.
                I have had my 8yr old assistant in the kitchen this afternoon helping me to prepare a 'Roast Chicken Dinner'.  He has chopped carrots, potatoes, swede and cabbage.  He still has all of his fingers.  He also made 'stuffing balls'.  It is hard to leave them to it and not but in and get critical, we all have to learn somewhere.  We had a bit of a disagreement over the size of golf balls!  Stuffing balls the size of tennis balls are a bit hefty!  He had great fun and was very well behaved and on task.  He really enjoys cooking and food prep and thinks we should go in to business and sell our wares on the front garden to hungry passers by.  I said 'we could go into business when you are a man and you can employ me'.  He wants to start now!  Euan thinks the 'Strawberry Jam/ sauce is delicious.  He said it would be great on ice-cream.  He seemed to be enjoying it by the spoonful.  We mixed it with fresh, quartered strawberries and have topped it with a crumble topping.  It is rather experimental.  It is all cooking in the oven at the moment and it does smell rather good.  I wish my assistant was this enthusiastic more often.  My partner is a good cook, but he doesn't cook very often and Henry reaches his limit with a toasted sandwich or a Pot Noodle.
                 I could be sabotaging the Weight Watchers regime with all this Summer Jammin!  I better get a grip and cycle it off!  xxx


  1. Oh the jam looks so scrummy! Sure don't worry about WW - you will have cycled any excesses off in a flash! Can jam be made using artificial sweeteners, never really thought about that? Don't suppose it would be the same. Yvonne xx

  2. Looks absolutely scrummy, nothing beats home made preserves!


  3. Your jam looks delicious! I always make a 'soft set'' strawberry jam as it's gorgeous swirled into Greek yoghurt ... Enjoy! xxx

  4. Oh man I've always wanted to try and make some but I'm afraid I may eat the whole bottle before I can put the lid on. LOOKS yummy my dear!

  5. You're so industrious, and Euen is too! I wish I was more like you. I took my car for servicing today as I will be towing our 2 sailboats and 1 kayak behind my rig while Dayle will be towing our 30 foot trailer behind his Dodge Ram Duelly Diesel. arrr arrr.. boy car. We leave soon! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  6. That all sounds absolutely delicious! Scrumptious jams, hearty meals, yummy :) It's very nice that you have a willing helper as well. I hope you can manage a way to enjoy your summer food and still meet your WW goals!

  7. Just caught up on your last four posts and am cheering for all your good news...WW!, new bike and bike seat cover!, and yummy jamming! Also, so glad Evan is willing to play with you =) Haven't made a preemie hat yet, but I did find a pattern for one and hope to give it a try soon, Lucy.
    Gracie xxx

  8. Love the jam, homemade is so much nicer than shop bought. I'm up to 16 pots so far and running out of space to store them. It is great to get help in the kitchen from time to time. Mine loved to help but always vanished when it came to cleaning up.

  9. my strab jam is a bit soft set this year.

  10. hi gosh I can almost taste your strawberry crumble, and how delicious it is too

  11. That apricot jam looks so delicious!!

  12. Mmmmm home made jam is lovely and yours looks great - I love the colour of the apricot jam! Keeping with your Bob Marley theme....Q. How does Bob Marley like his doughnuts? A. With jam in!


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