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Monday, 27 August 2012

I Like A Bit Of Spam ...but I need help!

I have to admit I am not adverse to a bit of Spam!  I would not rush out and buy it, I would never choose it on a menu. . . I have never even tried a Spam Fritter. . . but I will own up to enjoying a Spam and Brown Sauce Sandwich on the odd occasion, they seem to taste better if they have been in a 'Tupperware box' for several hours on a warm day.
       The truth is I am having trouble with a different type of Spam, nastier and more irritating than this processed pink stuff you find in a can.  It seems I have an e-mail account issue!  Gahhh!  I would like to apologise to any of you that are receiving Spam e-mails from my e-mail address.  A couple of you have been in touch with me, thank you very much.  I have had my e-mail account for over ten years without any problems.  I also pay through the nose for a 'Computer Security and Antivirus' package that still has 400+ days to run.  Yet alas, some sneaky rascals with a brain far more technologically advanced than my own have manged to infiltrate my account and send Spam e-mails to everyone on my address book!  I really don't know what the emails are linking to!  I dread to think...   This has been happening for about a week!  I have changed all the security details on my e-mail account and I have also ran a security scan this afternoon and it fixed three 'cookie' I am very partial to a 'cookie'.
        Does anyone know what I can do?  Has this happened to anyone else?  I have a free e-mail account with AOL which basically means they do not really want to know where 'support' is concerned.  The help numbers and the online support is only for paying customers.   I can't even find an e-mail address to get any help.  They have e-mailed me to tell me off for sending out Spam from my account though and threatened to close my account if I do it again!  I have The sneaky rascals have done it again!  I am waiting for the AOL police to come knocking at my door!  If you can help I would appreciate any suggestions.  More to the point if you have received 'weird e-mails' from me I am really, really sorry!
            Can I attempt to make it up to you with this offering:
A link to a War time Recipe for Spam 'Fritters' Appetising eh?
Is it just me or do they look a bit like Gandhi's Flipflops?


  1. Don't worry I'm sure we all realised what had happened. I would have thought the people you have bought the antivirus protection from, would want to know it hasn't worked.

    1. I have just had some Online Support from 'Norton' and they say they can not help as the computer is protected not my e-mail account. They said it is not a virus but Hackers. I have changed my e-mail security and hopefully the issue will resolve itself...let me know if I send you anymore Spam! xxx

  2. Your last line in your post had me LOL...they do look like flip flops :)

    I have AOL too, but have not had to deal with a spam issue and am sorry you are, Lucy :(
    I believe a friend who went through this a few months ago had to totally change her email address.

    Cheering you on to find a quick, simple solution!
    Gracie xxx

    1. I am glad I gave you a chuckle Gracie. I will try not to be ungrateful for food in the future. If ever I am not enjoying a meal I will remember this picture and tell myself it could always be worse! They do look like a well worn pair of flipflops! lol You gotta keep laughin aint ya! xxx

  3. Hi Lucy, I just got another of the spam emails from your email - but I know better than to click on anything in it as I knew it wasn't from you. Sorry you're dealing with this. As for real Spam, I rather like it once every few years.. fried crisp! I used to serve that to my dear new husband when we first got married. Poor guy! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  4. I am sorry it has got you too Teresa! It is a pain in the neck I can tell yer! Your Spam could not have been that bad as you have had a long and happy marriage...mind you your hubby does spend a lot of time in the kitchen! lol xxx

  5. Hi Lucy. My Son had the same problem a few weeks ago and the only way to solve the problem was to close down the account and get a new email address.

    Not what you really wanted to hear.

  6. I'm so sorry to hear you're being victimized by hackers :( That's such a pain! I wish I could help but I'm really no good at any of that tech mess. Best of luck with hunt. Sadly I think I'm going to have to second the opinion of closing down that account and opening a new one.
    On the spam front, I've never heard of spam fritters. I'm almost afraid to ask! Despite looking a bit like Gandhi's flip flops (great description by the way) and their nickname of "jellied cow lips" I have to say it really can be tasty fried up on a sandwich! My family would eat it a lot when I was growing up. Scary yet fond memories ;)

  7. Lucy, I was just getting ready to let you know about the weird emails I have been getting from you, thankfully I thought they looked suspicious so I didn't open them. So sorry that this has happened to you, hackers are so rude! The only solution I know of is to change your password and make it really challenging, like throw in a few capital letters and a couple of symbols. That will make it harder to hack into your account again. Hope that helps! ♥


I appreciate and enjoy reading all of the feedback from your comments. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and sharing your thoughts. Sadly I have found it necessary to enable word verification, something I was trying to avoid...but I am receiving an unmanageable deluge of Spam! We don't want that do we? xxx :)