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Sunday, 5 August 2012

A Crochet Gift for my Lovely 'New to Me' Bike

It is not quite a Ta Dah!  Hence a Henry off left holding balls of yarn!
I wish this had have been a 'Ta Dah' as I spent 30 minutes in the saddle this morning.  Euan and I had a fun cycle around our local lake.  I am loving this 'seat cover'.  I have heavily improvised and worked from a picture but I am delighted with the results.  I had no idea the 'Blue' would be such a good match for the bike.  Here is a pattern I found this morning, when I have almost reached completion of my prototype.  Crochet Bicycle Seat Cover - Pattern   I quickly ran out to take photographs for you as now we are in the midst of a heavy thunder storm.  Euan is fascinated by the lightening, then we had to run out and tempt the chickens back to bed with corn.  They were reluctant but are all safely tucked up in their coop now.
Henry thinks my seat cover is hilarious but I am 100% certain it is the way to go!  I have more crochet lovliness planned for this bike.  It will be built for comfort and certainly not for speed.  No bareback riding for me.  Oh no!
  Oooh I just noticed my foot in shot!  Doh I would never make a photographer!  (I am a bit of a hobbit and spend more than half of my life barefoot).
              I hope you are having a great weekend.  I will be popping to my parents shortly.  They make the best cups of tea!  xxx


  1. I love it! I am going to get a bike with the birthday money I get next month (if I get any). I am going to have to yarn it up.

  2. Oh Lucy you are so inventive, I love it! I've been busy this morning doing one of your free patterns with a bit of a twist, you'll hear about it shortly! Enjoy your cup of tea at your parents. Wish I was where you are with thunder storms and all, it's 32.1 degrees indoors here! Oh, just had a thought, will you be padding the saddle cover when it's finished off?

  3. Love it, this would look brilliant on my bike!


  4. Bravo on your inventiveness! I can't wait to see what you come up next, yarny wise on the bike.. just a few more days and we're heading off for the wilderness. Can't wait to swim in that clear water. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  5. Wow! That looks amazing.......will have to head off and see if I can make a knitted version for my bike :)

  6. Ahhhhhh Lucy that's awesome, love that seat cover, need to make one myself. Did you check out my handlebar grips you could make some to match! And you need a lovely crochet covered basket for sure. Those pesky felons removed the crochet bunting from my basket when they made off with it, so I will have to make some more. Have fun on your gorgeous bike and watch out for those thunderstorms!!!!! ♥

  7. Very cool, and colours match brilliantly! Just hope it doesn't get wet, it could make for a very soggy ride home!

  8. Love your crochet seat cover - very cool! xx

  9. This is so cool! I've been planning to crochet something similar for my bike but haven't come around to it yet...


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