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Saturday, 4 August 2012

The Angels of Bicycles Have Come up Trumps

Delighted I be!  I believe in 'The Angels of Parking', 'The Angels of Thrift', 'The Angels of Yarn' and now. . .
'The Angels of Bicycles'.  I have been hankering after a bike for a while now.  I gave my old one away on 'Freecycle' as it was a monster.  I had not really ridden on it much but it was like riding/driving a Sherman Tank.  I have always had a bike from very little.  I am not exactly built for speed anymore and cycling is now my idea of an 'Extreme Sport'.  It provides as much of an adrenalin rush as I can cope with.  I had a fall of a bike when I was about 17 and it was no joke!  I have been looking at bikes and going to various bike shops but I had not quite found what I was looking for, for a price I wanted to pay.
              This morning my parents neighbours put out three bikes for the 'Scrap Iron Man' to collect.  My dad explained I was after a bike and the neighbour said 'help yourself'.  Seriously I think this bike is great.  I am just back from my Maiden Voyage.  Euan was behind me coaching (as usual) 'keep your balance Mom', 'Your are doing great Mom'.   I actually went fast!  Wind in my hair, free wheeling down a big hill shouting 'Yaaaaahoooooo'!   I cycled for a grand total of ten minutes!  I am building up slowly as I am no martyr to pain.
  Euan loves his bike too.


  1. Hi Lucy, it's Yvonne in Cyprus and finally I am up and running with my blog! Good for you getting a bike, that will keep you in good shape and I see you have done really well with WW as well. I don't know how you find the time to fit everything in! I am going to be having a look through your stuff to see if I can find myself something cute to crochet! I am finally part-time at work now so I have got the time to devote to a blog at long last! Yvonne xx

    1. Part time certainly helps Yvonne, a work/life balance is really hard to get right. It is nice to see you back in Blogland. xxx

  2. What luck you had to get such a nice bike for free! Teresa :-)

    1. I wish I could cycle round to your house for a cuppa in your lovely garden. :)

  3. Have a great time. I would love to get back to cycling. I'm just not sure which would kill me first. The traffic or the exercise.

    1. I certainly won't be cycling in traffic! Too scary. I am starting off with ten minutes...push the bike to the top of a big hill and 'wheeeeeeeeeeeeee' my way back down again. lol

  4. Replies
    1. I hope it will be, my Dad likes to cycle too so maybe we will go together. He also rescued another bike and Henry said he would cycle if I did. Henry does not like the pain of cycling and because he has had serious 'ear' surgery his balance is pretty bad so cycling makes him anxious. It is a good way of spending time together... xxx

  5. Can you believe that someone would throw out such a lovely bike. My chain always comes off so I'm nervous of going far.Its great fun, good on toy.

  6. Lucy I know I'm on holiday but I saw this post and it made me so happy to see you join the fun! I hope you 'pimp your ride' cos if you do you'll love your bike even more! I'm loving my bike loads now especially after its recent traumas, we cycled 33 miles yesterday around the lanes of Suffolk. So many Wheeeee moments too! ♥


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