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Monday, 12 March 2012

Pie Day Friday ( Better late than never) Bacon and Egg Pie

Yeah!  Wooo hooo!  It's Monday, my favourite day of the week.  Bah!  Who am I trying to kid?  I can't help it if I just like being at home too much.  I am fine once I get to work but I am even better on a Wednesday afternoon when I have finished for the week.  I used to work full time, but I felt like I was not doing a great job or being a great Mom.  Work/life balance is much much better now I work part time.  I do not take the situation for granted.  Every week I am grateful that I can 'come up for air' and do a couple of school runs myself.  The dog is also very happy when I am home, so is the budgie and the chickens!  We all prefer Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.
          I wasn't late with Pie Day Friday, I am just late with this post.  I saw this Bacon and Egg Pie Recipe over at Lavender and Lovage last week.  I have never tried one.  The photographs over at Lavender and Lovage put my pie to shame.  I did bake it between 7am and 7.30am though in quite a rush.
 I also used my trusty enamel pie plate rather than a pie dish so this has turned out rather flat.  Not to worry it tasted great hot or cold.  I think it would make another good picnic pie too.  I am getting rather slap dash with these pies and should slow down a bit and take more care with the presentation.  I am not winning the sweet or savory pie 'battle' either, if it is not sweet, they are not interested in this house.  Blueberry Pie is on my list of Pies to make. . .I am sure that will be popular.
Hope You have a Happy Monday X


  1. Ooh I made a pie yesterday! I'll have to post about it later :D

  2. Yummy! I just popped over to the blog you mentioned and I believe I'll have to be by again! Who doesn't love bacon and eggs? Bryon was confused when I said it was a "pie" but he said he'd eat it :) He insists that such things should be called a "quiche." I say who cares what it's called so long as it's yummy!

  3. my Mum used to make us b and e pies, haven't had one for ages. It looks lovely.

  4. I love Mondays too (not), your pie looks delicious, lovely glaze on the top! And lucky you to only work till Wednesday, I wish I could do the same, so much to do at home!

  5. I find it amusing that we both wrote about Pie's today. Your pie looks mighty tasty!

  6. This looks delish!!!
    Looking forward to the blueberry one as well!!
    Thanks so much for your kind words over at mines, made me laugh and were much appreciated!!
    Thanks for your kindness

  7. Om nom nom....yet another lovely looking pie :) I work part time so that I get a proper work/life balance was the best decision I have ever made!

  8. My favourite pie :-) I have made this one since finding the recipe in a really old Bero book that I found in my Grandma's house, it's fabulous!! You can't go wrong with bacon and eggs!

    Lori xx

  9. Years since I made one of those, I bet yours soon disappeared.
    Carol xx


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