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Sunday, 4 March 2012

Raise Your Glass

Me enjoying a large Beer!  I was probably about five in this picture.   
I have had a lazy weekend.  The dog woke me up this morning at 4am barking!  The joys of dog ownership.  When I looked out of my bedroom window I spotted a fox!  The fox spotted me and ran past the house.  I hope he was not planning a Chicken Take Away!  I am paying for my laziness today, laundry, cooking, tidying and refereeing!  I am quite good at refereeing, I was born bossy and my initials spell out LAW.  I literally am the law when it comes to sorting out squabbling brothers.  My two boys tried to play together on the games console, somebody fell in lava and then when the other went to rescue them from the lava they fell in too, there was a lot of shouting and a right hoo haa as they were both stuck in lava, each blaming the other for their 'virtual' predicament.  It ended with me separating them, laying down the law and the console is off.  The dog is as bewildered as I am.  Now the big one is reading about Buddha, let's hope he learns a thing or two.  The younger one is playing with Lego.  He is a long way off learning a thing or two.  His usual defence goes something like this. . . . "It all started when he hit me back!"
          Tomorrow I have a Monday Birthday.  Boooo!  I like Saturday birthdays.  I have some delicious cookies to take to work to share with my work mates and some chocolate muffins to share with the children.  In the afternoon we have a 'Food Technology' lesson and we are going to make Pizzas.  It could be a worse day I suppose.  What I would really like is a Birthday Knitting, spinning, crochet type of day, to make it perfect I would stay in my PJ's.  Birthdays are a bit weird don't you think?  I will be glad when mine has gone again, perhaps I should just take the Saturday ones in future and celebrate those.
            I should finish my Knitted 'Shawl Collared Cowl' today with a bit of luck, now there is calm after the storm.  The weather has gone cold again and some parts of the UK have had snow.  I am quite pleased about  this, as last week it was too warm for a 'Shawl Collared Cowl'.
            I do have one other thing to share.  In Yo Face!
Four blooms off one stalk.  Certainly not a 'wallflower'.  This Amaryllis nearly fills my living room.  What a beauty and well worth the wait.  I like to grow one of these each year.  They are fascinating to watch.  This year I am hoping to keep the bulb and try and grow it again for next year.  That is my cunning plan.
              Hope you are having a good weekend in your neck of the woods, thanks as always for stopping by. XXX


  1. Happy birthday for tomorrow! Hope you manage age to squeeze in a bit of crochet or spinning somewhere along the line.

  2. Well happy birthday for tomorrow!! Love the plan of only celebrating Saturday birthdays, that would slow down the ageing thing too, hmmmm cunning!

    Love the Amaryllis, very impressive! I can't have them as they are one of those poisonous to pussy cats plants and my two chew any plant they can lay their paws on!

    Lori xx

  3. hi and happy birthday for tomorrow i'm having a tuesday birthday next week and i would love like you to spend all day in pjs and to crochet and read but hey ho off to work we go, i think everyone should have an official day off for their birthdays and get paid for it lol

  4. Hope you have a wonderful birthday, Lucy! You should celebrate your birthday next Saturday and do your spinning, knitting pajama day then! Your boys sound like my boys, ugh! ♥

  5. Happy birthday Lucy, hope you have a fantastic day :)

  6. *H*A*P*P*Y* * *B*I*R*T*H*D*A*Y*!*!*!* to my blog sister across the pond. I wish for you cake and pressies and surprises and love. Your little girl photo is adorable and now I know where Euen got his cute freckles!! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  7. Happy Birthday for tomorrow!!
    I hope your day is wonderful and filled with happiness!!
    Also, thanks for entering my giveaway- you made my day!

  8. Happy birthday! Hope you are having a great day!
    The amaryllis is gorgeous!

  9. Happy birthday!! I hope you're having the best of days, despite the fact it's Monday! :-) x

  10. Happy Birthday, Lucy!

    Hope you're having a great day and best wishes for a wonderful year ahead.

    All the best!
    Mary Jean

    P.S. L*O*V*E* the picture!

  11. Happy birthday! Hope you have a lovely day! Laura x

  12. Happy Birthday dear friend Lucy, love you loads and loads, keep spreading your sweet smile and talents, you are such an amazingly inspiring young woman Im proud to know you. Helen xx

  13. Hope you had a great birthday!
    Your amaryliis looks awesome and the colour is stunning :)


I appreciate and enjoy reading all of the feedback from your comments. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and sharing your thoughts. Sadly I have found it necessary to enable word verification, something I was trying to avoid...but I am receiving an unmanageable deluge of Spam! We don't want that do we? xxx :)