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Friday, 2 March 2012

Cutey Pie!

This is the only 'Pie' I have today for 'Pie Day Friday'.  A Cutey Pie!  I love this photograph.  A rather disgruntled looking 'Daisy Chicken' framed by the Chicken wire.
The garden is really starting to look 'High Security' with all the Chicken Proofing going on.  There is more Chicken Wire than garden.
This is my current 'Work in Progress'!  I said I would be Chicken Proofing the vegetable beds, I didn't say anything about it being aesthetically pleasing!  Do I ever look out into the garden and regret getting chickens?  Do I ever look out into the garden and think bringing these three little Cuteys home . . .
was a big mistake?
Never!  They are hilarious.  I love their antics and their 'joie de vivre'.  They are just the additional source of chaos that I was looking for in my life!  They can't help being enthusiastic gardeners with a passion for wanton vandalism.


  1. That picture of Daisy is hysterical! And perfectly framed as well I might add ;) Great picture. Hopefully your garden will fare better this season being protected from your vandals. I hope you never regret taking home your clucky friends!

  2. Isn't it amazing how 3 little cuteys can cause so much disruption! Fort Knox isn't a patch on this!!

  3. I'm adding up the cost of the chicken wire and I figure each egg is costing you $50. LOL! When we got ours I added up the cost of the chicken house and other accoutrements and figured that first egg had cost us over a thousand dollars. HA! And my free Alpaca? Now I need to buy a drum carder to card it all and those are about $600. heheheh... love my friend across the world..yes, that's you! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  4. Daisy does look totally dischuffed.
    We've been rabbit proofing and sorting two raised beds and runner bean trench, think I'd have more chance keeping chickens out.
    Have a lovely weekend Lucy.
    Carol xx

  5. Lucy,

    That top photo is brilliant!

    Love from Sue (sil) xxx

  6. Well, we just do to our back yard what we need to do. I would have more vegetable/flower beds and no lawn if it wasn't for the dogs...
    If you see your back yard as a chicken yard with some veggies planted everything is all right, isn't it?
    Your hens were cute and are beautyful now. And worth it!!!

  7. Just out of curiosity - why don't you just build an enclosure for the chickens?

  8. I am glad you like the chicken photograph and find their antics funny. We do like having our own eggs and we appreciate them. On to the matter of a chicken enclosure, these girls are so happy being at large it seems a shame to 'coop' them up. I am sure part of the reason they are so healthy is that they have a lot of freedom. On days where I work they maybe have two or three hours freedom, on the days that I am home they get six or seven hours. They take themselves to bed, I just lock them up for the night. Chickens have loads of personality and love to peck and scratch and eat a wide variety of plants and bugs. I chose to get them so I guess I feel a responsibility to keep them happy even though I maybe 'bit off more than I can chew' so to speak. I would also like goats and pigs but not in this small garden.....

  9. Well there's an expression, lol! I can so understand how they are worth it, I sometimes think of all the work that goes into just having two kittens, my Daisy was the runt and gets all sorts of health problems and bugs but they are so adorable and I wouldn't be without them :-)
    Lori xx

  10. I think your chickens are just adorable and if I had a bit more room and a few less cats I'd have some in a heartbeat. So instead I shall enjoy yours! Your garden is looking very chicken proof too.


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