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Friday, 23 March 2012

A Little Bit Of This and That

This week I have mostly been working on this.  I have now completed the left front, the right front, the back and half a sleeve.  It is quite a relaxing knit, but now I am on a 'county' bit and 'county' knitting is not too good in a busy household.  Did I say 43 or was that 45, oh it might have been 39!
          I have been a complete crafting butterfly, which is a nice was of saying I have crafting ADHD, I have not stuck to the same thing for very long this week.  I had my first go at a new craft this week, quite late one night I tried 'Needle Felting'.  There are two ways to felt wool, wet felting and needle felting.  Needle felting involves repeatedly jabbing fibre or fleece into a shape or to get the desired effect and the jabbing creates felting.  I have a very sharp three pronged felting needle.  It don't arf wake you up when you miss the fibre and jab your hand!  I woke myself up about three times to create this:
For a first attempt I am full of self congratulation, this flower took about an hour (huh I am a poet and I didn't know it).  When I have enough courage to use the very sharp, three pronged needle again I have made 'note to self':  Do not Needle Felt late at night, to jab a little less enthusiastically and never take my eye of the 'ball' so to speak!
I have also been making these for my poor Old Granny (some of you may remember her).  Warning: These Pictures May Cause Distress  I will rebuild her!
I have also been very bad and could not resist this bargainous 'Aran'.  Elephant Grey and Raspberry Pink work so well together in my opinion.  I know of a couple of 'imminent arrivals' that are due and thought I would work on a couple of Pram blankets.  Is Raspberry Pink and Elephant Grey acceptable if the 'arrivals' are of the male variety do you think?
               We are all set for a sunny weekend here, I will try to take photographs of the Chicken ladies sunbathing, they have been really enjoying sunbathing today.  They lie, spread out in the sun and snooze.  They are certainly not 'bird brains' they seem to have the right idea to me, they say it is a 'Dogs Life' but I think chickens have it pretty well sussed too.   The clocks go forward an hour on Sunday Morning, which leaves me feeling robbed and jet lagged.  On the bright side I break up for a fortnight next week.  Yahoooo!  That reminds me I want to crochet eggs and chicks and chickens and bunnies and all sorts of lovely stuff!  I do hope you all have a lovely weekend.  XXX 


  1. I love needle felted "Black Eyed Susan" :)

  2. Aaahh thanks 'Daffy' I was aiming for 'Rudbeckia' but my petals are a bit too chunky to pass it off. Lord only knows what I would have done to my fingers with that needle if I had gone for finer petals!

  3. You always manage to make me laugh out loud, I love you blog for exactly this reason. Your flower is fab, I can't even comprehend how you would do it. I don't think I will ever get used to the clock forward, clock back thing.

    1. Aaahh! Thanks, I have had this effect on people all of my life, I am never sure if people are laughing at me or with me? To quote the Great Man himself (Ozzy Osbourne) 'at least they are laughing!' When I am brave enough I will write a post showing you my 'Very Sharp, three pronged needle'. xxx Good Luck with the hour change :)

  4. Talk about county knitting, I'm still remembering 33 for your mother from 1998. she used to give me numbers to remember, but never pushed the cancel button!
    Dad x

    1. Dad, you are safe to let it go now...just let it go... xxx

  5. I have felted the wet way, never needle felted. My husband would probably ban me from it. I am notoriously clumsy and accident prone. I love how creative you are though and your posts always have me giggling at some point. Have a wonderful weekend. We set our clocks ahead here two weeks ago and I feel like I have finally recovered.

    1. I have never hurt myself on a crochet hook, but I did cut my index finger a couple of weeks ago using some French made, steel tipped needles I thought looked 'tres bon'! Knitting with a plaster on was not easy. I vote 'stop messing with clocks'!

  6. Dear Lucy.. when I saw the tiny photo on my side bar of your blog I thought it was a field of grass with yellow flowers.. then I clicked on it and went to your blog and it's knitting.. and I got to thinking, that is a nice compliment that your knitting looks like a field of grass with yellow wildflowers, isn't it? I might crochet some more Easter eggs as my basket of them looks a little .. empty. What's this about chicks and bunnies? I might have to try some! Your dad is so funny, now I know where you got it from! I love your adventuresome craftiness. Keeps you out of the taverns.. LOL! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

    1. Teresa, most of my crafts are portable, I can take them to the taverns. My basket looks. . might look better with crochet eggs in it. I am very proud of your complimentary comments, keep em coming kid! xxx

  7. Fantastic first attempt at needle felting, it does look like a very good black eyed susan. I'm not sure there are many crafts that are particularly good done late at night, but needle felting is definitely not one of them for when your mind starts to drift!! ADHD of the crafting kind, that's quite often how I feel! Hope the clocks don't affect you too much. Although it will make the 6.30 starts that Sophie insists on feel a little more palatable!!

    1. Claire, did you needle felt your tiny Robin eggs? I expect you don't jab yourself. I can see how this clock move will work for you 7.30 am is far more civilised than 6.30 am. Enjoy your lie in! Even if it is only brain trickery....they won't want to go to bed any earlier, I bet!

    2. Yes, the Robin eggs were needle felted. A base of alpaca as I have load of that, and then a colour of egg shell blue over the top as I only had a tiny amount of that.

      Btw, how do you get this reply function? I love it, but couldn't work out how to apply iy when I looked for it a few weeks ago.

    3. Claire, go to settings, comments, and click the embed below posts option, try that if it doesn't work, we can try something else :)

  8. I would love to have a go at felting some time. I have just dug out my knitting needles after a long absents. They were put away when the Boys refused to wear a jumper if it wasn't shop bought. The last time I knit Easter chicks was when my Aunt was doing a fundraiser for cancer and between us we knitted 500 of the little fellows and put cream eggs in them. I still have the pattern some where.

    1. I have attempted to crochet a dozen eggs today, I have made it to ten, so I quite understand the marathon nature of knitting 500 chicks. I love those, I think all cream eggs should wear a chick. I have also attempted a crochet chicken today. My boys have never liked hand knits either! I asked Euan what he thought of my crochet eggs, he answered swiftly and emphatically in one word. . . "Weird"! Charming. . . You really should have a go a felting.

  9. Hi Lucy, that is me - a crafty butterfly. This week has been gardening, cross stitch (a rose) and crocheting - the covered stone (glad you liked it) and redoing the 'too pale' outer rounds of some of the squares of the Rose and Daisy blanket. I've not tried stabbing myself with a three pronged needle though. I'm sure the lovely result was worth your pain.
    Thank you for trying to help with my photos problem, as you saw I got some via a circuitous route but wish I could get back to the 'way it was' (have done several things, including s "system restore" but still no luck).
    Hope you are having a lovely weekend and the sun is out for your hens, we've got fog!
    Carol xx

  10. Hiya Carol, it is a wonder we find time to blog in between all the crafting. Pssst, not a lot of housework goes on around here, unless my boys want to earn extra pocket money. :) I saw your Spring photographs, they are very pretty and worth your exasperation. x

  11. WOW! Everything you have made/are making looks good to me...I quite fancy needle felting but as I am so cack handed I will probably keep hitting my hand and not the yarn! Can't wait to see your ladies sunbathing :)

  12. Love your needle felted flower. And the granny squares are lovely too. And I love that green yarn.
    Just like Sarah said, everything you make is great!
    I am having a lovely weekend, last day of my mini spring brake, today, yesterday the 5K race and a lovely dinner with my Sweetheart, today (loosing an hour, too) a doggy walk with my friend and now some garden stuff, we got bulbs and herbs that need to go into the ground, I love to do that :-)


I appreciate and enjoy reading all of the feedback from your comments. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and sharing your thoughts. Sadly I have found it necessary to enable word verification, something I was trying to avoid...but I am receiving an unmanageable deluge of Spam! We don't want that do we? xxx :)