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Friday, 16 March 2012

Cuteness Overload - British Alpaca Futurity 2012

I said 'Smile' and it did!  How cute.  Alpacas just make me want to fling my arms around them and give them a big squishy hug.  They would not like it though.  Today I went over to the NEC in Birmingham to visit British Alpaca Futurity 2012.  This is the biggest annual gathering of Alpaca in the UK.  I had a lovely morning wandering around chatting. . . to the animals not to people.  Some of the animals chatted back, which was adorable.  I went on my own and caught a shuttle bus with an alpaca farmer from Somerset, we got chatting and she offered to send me some 'free' alpaca fleece to play with. . . it hurt but I declined!  I need to use the sacks in the shed first!  This has been a great motivator to spin some of this fantastic fibre.
I was really interested in the results of the spinning contest.  Wouldn't it be great to think I could make something worthy of entering next year.  I am getting delusions of Grandeur again!  One of they Rosettes would look helluva lovely on my wall though!
Dyed Yarns to die for!
Show Fleece in a wide range of fantastic natural colours.
More Fleece, this was about half of the fleece.
Tis the stuff that dreams are made of!
Lots of knitted Alpaca.
Lots of Crocheted Alpaca.
Needle Felted Alpaca.
Alpaca shows.  This was very interesting and I watched the final of the 'Best in Show Black Female'.  I just think they are all winners and all lovely. The junior classes were very cute too.  I think the boys are being judged tomorrow.
               There were lots of trade stands and stores for me to have a thoroughly great time mooching around.  I draw the line at £30 for a pair of socks though, they were soft and luxurious, I know, but I would only wear holes in them!   I looked at spinners, weavers and felting.  You could also take workshops but I was not that organised.  The Workshop in 'Advanced Spinning Techniques for Alpaca Fleece' sounded just my cup of tea.  There is always next year.
                At the end of the Morning, after talking to the animals, we were all very tired and in need of a lie down.
Now I am off to make plans. . . . if I don't win the Lottery. . . how can I find a field to pop my Alpaca in?  My garden is barely chicken proof and three chickens take up all the room!  
              I hope you are all set for a great weekend filled with fun stuff.  I am having a very fun day, as I am off to the 'Basketry/Weaving Workshop tonight.  I wonder what I will make and how I will get on?  In my head I am already very good at this!    XXX


  1. What a lovely day out you have had! The alpacas are seriously cute :) I am sure that you are more than a competent spinner and would definitely win a rosette or will have to enter next year! Can't wait to see the results of your basketry/weaving workshop! Have fun x x

  2. I wondered if you went. It looks really good. Do you reckon we could go halves on some land for some alpaca? There was about three acres in Bordesley for about £10,000 a while back ;)

    I love the crafty stuff, some of that spun alpaca, and that needle felting looks fantastic. And how gutting having to turn down free fleece!!

  3. Oh dear. I am drooling at the wonderful alpaca yarns, fibers garments, etc. I was going to clean my house today but I think I will be spinning alpaca instead!

  4. Lovely to see pics of this event, would have liked to go - maybe another year. They put out a call a while ago to guilds for spinners to demonstrate, maybe you could do that if it goes ahead next year. I saw the entry form for spinning entries too and wondered but haven't spun much alpaca yet.

    Lovely animals, I met a lot at the Romsey show last year - they are so funny.

  5. What a great day out. The smiling alpaca is just too cute for words.
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Carol xx

  6. What a wonderful day you have had! And not ended yet with your workshop coming up. Sooooo envious! Only ever tried spinning on a drop spindle for about 1/2 an hour. One of these days I will have a proper go! Wish I lived nearer the NEC. We'll have to do a house swap - you come and look after Chester, I'll look after your chickens! But only if there's something on at the NEC mind! Lol!

  7. Alpacas are seriously the cutest and most sweetest and most useful of animals! I have several acres that could hold a small herd of alpacas but the fence went bad and we had to take quite a bit of it down. I wonder if hubby would fence it for me? After he makes the raised garden beds.. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  8. You have seriously cool days out. My best would be the inside of Tesco LOL! I love Alpacas, too cute.

  9. What a blissful way to spend a day!

  10. Awww look at that first pic! He looks so incredibly soft and squishable! Can you believe I've never seen an Alpaca in real life? Thank you for the close-up :-) I hope you had fun at the workshop! x

  11. Brilliant post Lucy. What an interesting show that looks, a bit of yarn heaven!


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