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Monday, 26 March 2012

Crochet 'Granny Chic' Chicken - Free Pattern

There is only one thing better than a crochet chicken and that is more crochet chickens.  These are great fun to make for Easter.  

Crochet 'Granny Chic' Chicken

Materials: Scraps of Double knit Yarn in the colours you require for your chicken.  I chose red and brown.
Hook Size:  4mm
6mm Pair Safety Eyes
Abbreviations: UK Terminology
Chain - ch
Double Crochet – dc
Treble Crochet – tr
Treble Cluster – tr cl
Sl – slip stitch

For The Body:
Make 6 CH.  Join in a loop and work CH. 2TR, 1 CH, ‘3TR 1CH’ four times into the loop.   Join the round with a SL ST
Round 2:   Continue for the second round working 3CH 2TR into the CH space below the 3CH, 1CH, TR CL into the CH spaces of the previous round.   (You should have five clusters in total this round).  Join the round with a SL ST
Round 3: As Row 2   
Round 4:  3CH 2TR into the space directly below the three CH 1CH 3TR (2 TR CL in the same space), 1ch 3TR into the next CH space twice, 1CH 3TR 1CH 3TR into the next CH Space.   Join the round with a SL ST.  Fasten off.
For The Head And Beak:

Make two the same:
Make 2 CH, work 8DC into the 2nd CH from the hook.  Join the round with a SL ST.
Round 2:  3CH, work 1TR into each DC, do not join the round and join in red yarn for the beak.  Work 2TR into the same DC as the last ‘brown’ TR.  Fasten off.

For the Tail and the Wings:

The tail and the wings are worked the same.  The tail is worked into the TR stitches of the 3rd TR CL on the 2nd Round of the body.   The wings are worked into the TR stitches of the 3rd and 5th TR CL on Round 1 of the body.
Work as follows:
Into the first TR work 1DC and 1TR, into the 2nd TR work 3TR, into the 3rd TR work 1 TR and 1DC.
Making Up:
Sew in the ends on the body, tail and wings.  Place an eye in the centre of each half of the head.  Pad out the head by stuffing in the ends, align the head and beak and stitch the two halves together.  Sew the head onto the top of the body.
For the Comb:
Using red Yarn for the comb:  Join yarn into the 3rd TR from the beak.  CH3, 2TR, 1DC, work 3TR and 1DC into the 4th TR from the beak, work 3TR and 1 DC into the 5th TR form the Beak.  Fasten off and sew in the ends.


  1. Replies
    1. Gotta love the chickens :) Thanks Lauren x

  2. Hi Lucy.. wow, you're creating and writing patterns.. pretty soon you'll publish a book and become a famous designer/author! Bravo!
    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

    1. That could be a seller Teresa - 'How to Crochet a 'Weird' Chicken and other Crochet Curiosities' :)

  3. Just the job Lucy thanks for that!!

    1. Thanks Louise, I feel bunnies coming on too :)

  4. cute cute cute love it thank you for doing the pattern,my kids are getting one each for easter ;)

    1. You are kind, making them for your kids! My kids are certainly not worthy of a crochet chicken! :) x

  5. Very cute! Thanks for sharing! Laura x

  6. Crikey....all that crochet looks very complicated to a non-crocheter like me :) I am going to have to learn how to do it! x x x

    1. You keep threatening to learn to crochet, we will shout it from the rooftops when you finally become a hooker!

  7. Those are just precious :) I will certainly have to make some up for my aunt who is a lover of chickens. Thanks so much for the pattern!

    1. Thanks Lacey, I intend to make a few more myself, I am going for a small flock! :)

  8. Your chickens are clucking marvelous!! :D

    1. I agree but I currently think all chickens are clucking marvelous, even naughty ones!

  9. SO cute! Bet your girls are confused my the new chickens on the grass :-)

    Lori xx

    1. Lori, they did come and have a look, I have not shown the the crochet eggs, I wonder what they would make of those? :)

  10. Hi Lucy, that looks a real fun pattern, thank you.
    Don't forget to let me have your address so I can send your seeds (also packed up a few seedlings for you too)
    Carol xx


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