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Friday, 30 March 2012

The Humble Pasty Hits the Headlines - Pie Day Friday

The good old Pasty has hit the headlines this week in the UK.  We have endured our Government budget and one of the changes is from the first of April if you go to a bakery and buy a 'Hot' Pasty it will have a 20% tax increase on its cost.  Fancy that?  The Chancellor defended the decision for shops selling hot food,to be inline with the Tax that 'Take Aways' have to charge the customer.  The suggestion the Chancellor has made for increasingly impoverished Brits is If you can't afford a Hot Pasty buy it Cold for 20% less cost.  Blimey only posh folks can now buy a hot pasty, the rest of us who count the pennies are resigned to the fact our pasties will be cold!  It would be enough to have an old Cornish Tin Miner turn in his grave!  I would not usually comment on religion or politics, I don't vote because the Politicians always get in!  I think this government is stooping very very low indeed though, with speculation and resulting panic about fuel shortages, the 'Royal' Mail making considerable increases to postal costs and now hitting us where it hurts with the 'Humble Pasty'.
I would suggest making your own pasties, this is my recipe Here for the Cornish 'Style' Pasty, You can eat them piping hot to your hearts content, Tax Free!

I also make a mean Vegetable Pasty (Tax Free of course).  Vegetarian Pasty.

I am not afraid to stand up and be counted!
The Chancellor can stick his rotten, stinking, low down 'Pasty Tax' where the sun don't shine.  I will continue to bake my Pasties at home and I won't even complain if they are so hot I burn my tongue in my cheek.  The peasants should be revolting.   Bake Your Pasties at home!  Communities Unite for Pie Day Friday!


  1. It is complete and utter madness isn't it! Your pasties look wonderful though, and they can't take that away!

    1. I am going to get T shirts made 'Hands Off Our Pasties'!

  2. It's ridiculous!! Yours look scrummy though! X

  3. Pasty revolution sister. Line the politicians up against the wall and throw scalding hot pasties atem. Oo I need a lie down now, pass the pasties.

    1. The funny thing is, I was on my way to the local petrol station, to do my bit for the Panic buying crisis and their was a film crew and posh suited folks outside the local 'Greggs' the bakers, which is en route to the petrol station. Greggs the bakers serves a wide range of 'pasties'. It turns our it was Ed Milliband, the Labour Leader stopping off for some pie related propaganda photo opportunity. I bet he had petrol too! The World has truly gone mad!

  4. Hear Hear!! It's madness I tell you. Your tax free pasties look yummy though.

  5. Oh, Lucy!!! I am new to visiting you from Portland, OR, USA. I just want you to know that my ancestors would have no doubt been in sympathy with your plight; and I ended up here, because they took flight rather than soldiering on as you are bravely doing. I am so impressed with your valor . . . and your tax free pasties look like a delicious way to protest your government's oppression! (: <3

    1. Power to the Pasty, where there are homemade Pasties there can be no oppression! :) x

  6. Trouble with politicians is that that is all they are and all they will be. None of them have done a decent day's work. Complete waste of space the lot of them. "We are all in this together"? don't make me laugh Mr. MultiMillionaire PM. Budget and policies are all aimed at those/us who can't afford to pay for meals at No. 10 where the menus read "Democracy for sale - £250k".
    Now look what you have done? I try to keep off my soapbox....................
    Pasties look great.
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Carol xx

    1. Go Carol go! We should have a Pasty protest outside Number 10, never mind the eggs and flour a pasty in the eye would hurt!

  7. A pasty tax? You have got to be joking! And I thought things were bonkers here in the US...At least you can always make those yummy pasties at home, and you can eat them as hot as you want! Stick it to 'em girl!

  8. I agree with all your comments. It is really going to hit some of the small bakers in Cornwall. A few of the best ones have people queing outside the shop waiting for a fresh batch to come out of the oven. Wether you want them hot to eat immediately or to take home for later you have no choice but to take them there and then piping hot..... mmmmm. I can't see people comming back after they have cooled down but I can see trade dropping off all together with an average of 50p more per pastie.

    1. Your comment prompted me to have another 'rant' and write another Cornish Pasty Post. The video from 'The Cornish pasty Association' says it all for Cornwall really. It is crucial to protect local heritage and more importantly industry. In reality I do not think many tourists to Cornwall will be boycotting the delicious pasty. They are hard to resist especially straight from a Cornish oven. Lets hope Brits continue to tuck in to pasties for a few more centuries to come . . . :)

  9. I agree wholeheartedly! As Billy Conolly once said 'don't vote it only encourages them' :-)
    Your pasties look fabulous and tax free!

    I was in Greggs yesterday and they have a petition going to stop the tax which I signed although I'm sure they just ignore it.

    Lori xxx

    1. I love the Billy Conolly quote, much wisdom is to be found in madness! Good on ya for your petition signature, maybe you could join Carol and I on a 'Pasty Protest' to Number 10!

    2. Three irate women lobbing pasties at them, lol! That should get their attention :-)

  10. Your pasties look scrummy...I swear our country is turning into a laughing stock! I avoided the panic petrol buying(purely because I had no time to join the queue!!) hopefully I can find somewhere today that hasn't run dry. Does the same apply to a sausage roll I wonder?? Because sometimes only grease will do xx


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