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Saturday, 31 March 2012

Porky Pies and The Cornish Pasty

I know this is my second gratuitous 'Pie Post' this week but it is important 'National News' that is worthy of 'Lucy In The Sky' Blogging Attention.  Here is our Prime Minister posing as a hard up Pasty Eater!
With all the Porky Pies he tells he better be careful his pasty doesn't choke him!

It takes a good old 'Pasty Row' to bring the Parliamentary dignitaries to my home town, I don't think they would have been brave enough to go to Cornwall, where Pasties and tourists are the mainstay of the County.  Cornish Pasties have European Union 'Protected Geographical Status'.  They have crucial place in History and Culture.
The Cornish Pasty Association Website  has a great video explaining the Cultural Heritage of this humble 'meal'.

Here is Ed Milliband the Labour Party Leader and Ed Balls (The Shadow Chancellor) Posing outside Greggs the Bakers in my home town this week.
Sometimes I sneak in here for a 'hot' Sausage Roll (but don't tell anyone).  I would have been mortified to be caught on national news, sneaking my unhealthy snack.
This shot is just to prove to my 'Local' Blog Audience  that this was in fact 'our' Greggs '.
I did witness all this kerfuffle as I drove past but I was unaware as to who and what it was, as I was on my way to err. . . . ummm. . . do my bit for the 'Panic Buying Petrol Crisis'.

Strange times we are in indeed.  I am sure at some point today I will be making Pasties and I won't be driving far!  


  1. It is indeed very important news! Have you noticed how they're all falling over each other to be seen eating a pasty, 'look at me I'm just like you and eat pasties'! I don't believe a word of it they wouldn't eat a pasty if there wasn't a camera in front of them :-)
    Lori xx

    1. David Cameron's youngest daughter Florence was born in the 'Royal Cornwall Hospital' while he was on holiday in Cornwall, I bet he has eaten a 'Hot' Cornish Pasty or two, albeit in the corner of a darkened room. Just to keep him in touch with the 'working class' masses and all that. I am glad you are with me on appreciating the severity of the subject matter. ;)

  2. I think the only pasties that lot have ever eaten have been spoon fed to them on a silver teaspoon with a side of caviar. They are all far too posh to pop into Greggs on a regular basis :)

    1. I am too posh to pop in to Greggs on a regular basis, honest gov! I sneak in on the odd occasion, incognito, mumble my order "A hot Sausage Roll Please" and dash out again. It is my guilty secret, please don't tell anyone! :)

  3. Haha that's my guilty secret too - I've been eating more Greggs pastries than I used to because there's a Greggs right opposite my building at uni - tis far too tempting! :D

  4. Try to convince us of their 'common (wo)man' credentials, what a load of spherical objects.
    Greggs hot sausage rolls are the best, think I shall have to call in and sign their petition, well that is my excuse gov.
    I'm exercising my throwing arm and packing a case of pasties ready for our No. 10 trip.
    Carol xx


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