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Thursday, 20 October 2011

Yarn Eating Monsters, Big Balls and 'Ninja Gloves'

Here is my Yarn Eating Monster
Each new stripe is greeted by an appreciative 'Woaaahhh!' from my seven year old.  You would think crochet were alchemy with how amazed he is that Mom can make things.  (Unless he knows how to make me happy!)  He loves getting his sticky mitts on my stash and shows an interest in whatever my current project is.
He just helped me hide put these away, he was passing his opinion on each colour and thought they were all nice, his favourite was the 'Pinky Purple'.  I have three 'big' projects planned using 'Black' DK so I searched Ebay for a bargain.  500g Balls.  I love them and they get the seven year old excited.  They are big balls!
The weather has really turned here and got very chilly.  When I went to open the coop today the grass almost crunched underfoot.  We have lots of single gloves around the house and not many pairs.  So I used this pattern Ninja Gloves as a basis to make these last night:
The idea is if you call them 'Ninja Gloves' then they become very coooolll indeed.  They certainly have enhanced his 'Ninja Skills'.  He will be 'Airbending' before I know it!  Euan loves them and said his mates at school think they are cool.  They should be quick enough to rustle up replacements too.  Hey, and I think I will have enough black DK for a while.


  1. The ripple is coming along nicely! It's so great that Evan loves it so much :) What a great lot of yarn! I love the colors! And yes, I think all that black should last for a bit. Gracious!

  2. Is that a 'Lucy pack' of colours?

    I want to choose between 2 and 5 colours for a blanket myself but have no clue what to buy. Are there any particular ones you would recommend as coordinating well. I won't be using black, just colours. I'm soooo bad at picking colours.

  3. Your seven year old sounds like my boyfriend - he's always so impressed when I'm making something :)

  4. Thats so lovely that your seven year old is so interested and impressed!!
    Blanket looks fab

  5. Hey Lady lovin' the ripple and those gloves are very timely I need some to go with my knitted head band. Thats right thanks to you and your video recommendtion I nailed short rows. Thankyou lovely xx

  6. Your ripple blanket is looking great :) I love the gloves too, and the idea of giving them a cool name is ace!

  7. I love how your ripple is working up, and the ninja gloves are awesome!

  8. i love your family :) and your crochet is wonderful too! wish i knew how to ripple, i must get on to that.
    the black background works really well.

    p.s the comment thingy seems to be working again now :)

  9. Love the ripple balanket ! im doing one too at the moment. also love ninga gloves !! cool !


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