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Monday, 3 October 2011

An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away!

As you know I have been eating my apples.  I am somewhat dismayed that they have not kept the doctor away.  I also feel the apple indulgence may have undone some of my good work on my diet Healthy Eating Plan!  Maybe it is when they are consumed in a delicious Pie that they pack the weight on!?!  I lost 7.5 lbs in two weeks, then put back on .5lb in the third week!  I may officially be a 'Yoyo' Dieter!  Eeeeek!  I think all that food and drink sampling at the Malvern Show might have done it too.  Not to be disheartened I had a plan.  A diet 'Healthy Eating Plan Apple Pie'.  'Reduced Calorie Apple Pie'.  How did I do it?   Ah ha!  It was a cunning plan indeed...

I simply left the lid off!  Scrummy!


  1. I know from doing WW and currently being on SW that fruit is only point or syn free if it is fresh or canned. Stewed, baked or dried packs unwanted calories - boo! On the bright side your pie looks yummy and if it was in my house it wouldn't of lasted long enough to photograph :)

  2. Knitting Nix, now you have really gone and burst my bubble!!! I think I was in denial! Darn it I am off for another slice, if I eat it fast surely it won't count for long!!!

  3. What a good plan. It might still have 'unwanted' calories but less of them, looks delicious.
    I've had lots of apples and did make some pies (and ate some!) also some apple chutney and Nigella's Christmas chutney...... and still lots left.
    Carol xx

  4. I. Want. Apple. Pie. Now. That looks yummy, but surely you must have served it with vanilla ice cream? LOL
    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  5. Fabulous post!! I like your style!!

  6. I officially gave up weighing four years ago and know because of the fit of my clothes that I am lighter than ever!! It is like being given a freedom pass but because I have it I do not abuse it but find it so much easier to make sensible choices and smaller portions!

  7. Wow that looks yummy! I could really go for some apple pie now...Congrats on your perseverance and the progress you've made thus far with your healthy eating plan :)

  8. What a delicious looking apple pie.
    I wish I could eat it...
    Hope you are feeling better now, Lucy...


  9. Mmmm apple pie.....that looks yummy! I may have to have a go at baking one now :)

  10. Now that the pie has been cut does that not mean any remaining calories have escaped?!! Cx

  11. Hehe you crack me up!!! I start out with good intentions but some how it doesn't always go as planned. But my dear that looks FAB!!

    I wanted to reply to you but I couldn't find your email so forgive me for replying here :)

    I would LOVE to have you around and your attitude on the busy boys I have :). Thank God for amazing ppl like you, I wish there were more around. Nothing like getting the hairy eyeball everytime I pick up the kids .. ugh


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