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Sunday, 23 October 2011

X Marks the Spot!

I was a bit bleary eyed when I did the early morning Chicken Coop run in my PJs.  I looked up and thought this was weird so I photographed it!  It looks like it could have been a close shave to me.  I do not live under a busy flight path (thankfully).  Yep this post is going to be a little on the 'Random' side.  It was a chilly but very bright and clear day.  'Crisp' would be a nice way to describe it.  I had nothing planned (apart from crochet) but I had a dog and a seven year old with 'Cabin Fever'.  Both of them like to go to some local meadows.  I can usually sit down while they wear each other out running around like 'things possessed'.

Euan is always quite enthusiastic about Blog photograph suggestions, here he is with The Lovely Lacey posing angelically on the church steps.  I didn't realise Lacey was sticking her tongue out.  Never work with children or animals!  This Church is 'Saint Peter's Church' but I have always known it as 'Ipsley Church'.  It was built in the 14th Century.  Within the last decade it was someone's great idea to add on an ugly brick extension tut tut tut.    My Mom and her brothers used to walk here to Sunday School, I think my Mom said from about the age of four.
It is a pretty little church and it looked all the lovelier for the bright blue sky and the sunshine.  Most Churchyards boast a Yew Tree and this one is no exception.  Yew trees are considered by some to be The Sacred Tree of Transformation and Rebirth.  They are believed to ward off evil.

Yew trees are very poisonous while the berries look very decorative I wouldn't touch them.
 The Yew is the longest living plant in Europe there is a tree in Scotland that is confirmed to be 2000 years old.  According to 'Wikipedia' some trees have been confirmed as between 5000 - 9500 years old.

 Lacey is blissfully unaware of all these facts and figures and as long as she finds a 'Big' stick she is happy.
She will play for ages with a big stick, the bigger the better!  This is lightweight compared to some of her usual finds.
Euan found a big stick too.  All these expensive toys...but give a kid a stick and they are quite happy.  The sticks usually find their way home and litter our garden.
I live in a busy, built up town but there are lots and lots of trees that hide all the sprawl.

The trees do a great job at hiding all the factories and large buildings.  In among all those trees is a large industrial estate.  The whole town is pretty much like this all the highways are edged with trees and shrubs.  It hides the 'ugliness' really well.  I really don't know of an 'Urban' town with more greenery.

My apologies for the rambling post...I just wanted to share my pictures :)

Hope you have all had a good weekend.


  1. Lovely photos! The first one is amazing, we live under the Heathrow flight path and I can see the lights of up to five aeroplanes at the same time if I happen to glance out of the window, and I can hear one overhead, now!

  2. Rambling posts are acceptable :) Thanks for all your pictures! It sounds like you had a wonderful day with Evan and your Lacey.

  3. I actually think we find out lots about our blog friends when they ramble on a bit.. and I love getting to know your town better. That church is *awesome*!!

    Come visit me at the beach... ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  4. Lovely post..
    "while they wear each other out running around like 'things possessed'." - LOL!!! I can imagine..

  5. Fab photo's..I always like seeing where other people live :) I love the Yew Tree in the church yard - what a beautiful tree :)

  6. and that's why we know God is Scottish! ;)
    Looks like a lovely day well spent. Hope half term is going well so far.

  7. hello Evan and Lacey! *waving* :)
    love thes photo's Lucy, and am so glad yew live in treeworld (sorry couldn't resist the pun). St. Peter's is a lovely church too.


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