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Thursday, 13 October 2011

Muesli Bars....and Chickens

I thought these would make a really healthy, quick breakfast.  They are very tasty...but this flamin diet Healthy Eating Plan does not seem to be working for me!  This week I put on half of the weight I have lost over the last four weeks.  I don't think it is all Muesli Bar either!  I have had a bad back this week, so I have not been very mobile.  I will be glad to feel well again and be more active.  I must try harder with the diet Healthy Eating Plan.  I would recommend these bars to anyone hoping to gain a few pounds!!!  They are great for kids lunchboxes too.  Oh and chickens are very partial to one or two!

Muesli Bars
Makes around 25 bars
2 oz/50g Butter
200 ml Golden Syrup
50g brown sugar
3 oz/75g wholemeal flour
6 oz/150g rolled oats
750g Muesli 

50g Craisins (Dried Cranberries)
6-8 eating apples (peeled and grated)

Melt the butter, syrup and sugar together.
Mix it into all the other ingredients.
Press into a baking tray and bake in a medium oven for 30-40 minutes.

Here is 'Poppy' scarpering past the 'Sage' she must be telepathic because I get 'bad' thoughts when I see 'Chicken and Sage' together.
Rose enjoying 'Windfall' Apple
Daisy, hanging out on the back step staring into the kitchen waiting for 'Goodies'  she would not like a  Diet  Healthy Eating Plan either.
I can't believe how quickly my sons have grown, I also can't believe how quickly my 'Girls' have grown.  They are about six months old and getting ready for their first Winter. They need fattening up with Muesli Bars. 


  1. First, so sorry about the bad back - I suffer from that occasionally so I can soooo relate. ((hugs))

    The "granola" bars look sooOOooo yummy! Over here we call hippie type people "granolas".. isn't that a hoot?

    Your hens are beautiful, but how do you tell them apart? Mine are very different, which helps, we can even tell who laid which egg.

    Have a super weekend!! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  2. Teresa, My Hens are 'Hippies' because they really like their 'Granola'. I tell them apart by a coloured ring on their leg, otherwise I would be very confused. They each have their own personality but the coloured rings are a real help :)

  3. Mmmm those muesli bars look gorgeous! Will give them a go next week when I am on holiday (and want to eat bit healthier too). Your chickens are amazing....I snorted tea out of my nose when I read the comment about the sage....

  4. Lovely to see pics of the girls!

  5. oh and by the way we call hippy types "kint your own muesli brigade"

  6. I'm struggling too. 2 runs a week (for 20 mins) causes no weight loss either. Its not bloddy fair.


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